What's Wrong?

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Picture of Bella, Bella Thorne.

"Hey Roxy!"

Roxy's best friend Bella ran up to her. Suddenly her smile turns into a frown.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh...nothing." Roxy tries to push the thought from her mind.

"I know that look. This is about Chris, right?" Bella guessed.

"Um...no, of course not!" Embarrassment crosses her face.

"You know you can't lie to me. I can see right through you!" Bella prompted. Roxy gave in.

"Fine. It's about him. It's just that I won't get to see him when we're in Florida. And I felt that we really connected this year."

"How do you think I feel? Justin was this close to kissing me!" Bella indicated with her index finger and thumb.

"Oh yea! Sorry." Roxy said sheepishly, remembering the time she walked in on Justin and Bella about to kiss.

Talk about awkward!

"It's nothing. There's no way he can resist this!" She gestured to herself and smiled confidently.

"Yea sure!" Roxy put a sarcastic face and muttered under her breath.

"I heard that!" Bella said fake-angrily. Both girls laughed and caught the bus then walked to Bella's house. They approach her house and ring the doorbell. No one answers. She takes out her keys and opens the door. They head into the kitchen and put their bookbags down.

"DAD? DAD? WHERE ARE YOU?" Bella called loudly. She paused for a moment.

"Aw man. I forgot."

"What?" Roxy said.

"He went on that business trip to Hawaii. I can't believe he didn't even call or anything to say bye." She said sadly.

"Well, maybe he did. You had your phone off the whole day. Why don't you check?" Roxy suggested. Bella got happy again.

"Yea, maybe he did!" She pulls out her phone, checks and then gets sad again. No missed calls. Roxy sees the look on her face and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"It's ok. I'm sure he just had something come up and had to get there a week early. You know how it is." Roxy comforted Bella.

"But the weird thing about it is, he was supposed to leave the same day as us. What could be so important that he didn't say bye to me?" She wondered aloud.

"Hey I have a great idea!" Bella said triumphantly.

"Oh no. Here we go again. What is it this time?" Roxy asked hesitantly.

"Let's go check out his office! I'm sure the reason why he left early is in there."

"Have you ever been in his office before?" Roxy had to make sure. She was a goody-two-shoes.

"Well...no. He's always making sure I don't go up there." Bella admitted.

"Key words: DON'T GO UP THERE!" Roxy emphasized her point.

"Yeah, but there's something different this time." Bella said plainly. Roxy was almost afraid to ask.

"And that would be..."

"He's not here!" She said and then did a puppy dog face. Roxy knew she couldn't resist the puppy dog face.


"I'll take that as a yes!" Bella said, satisfied. Just as she turned around, the doorbell rang.

"Who could that be?" She was confused.

"Hey, maybe it's-" Roxy didn't get to finish her sentence.

"DAD!" Bella screamed and ran to open the door, only to find

"Jake?" Bella said, surprised.

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