What's This?

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Picture of Roxy, Zendaya. My wifey <3

"Nice to see you too." Jake said sarcastically and patted Bella on the shoulder. He walked past her into her house.

"Hey Roxy!" He said nervously.

"Hey Jake!" She said happily. She gave him a hug. But Jake doesn't let go.

"Um Jake? You can let go now." Roxy says.

"Oh...yeah. Sorry." Jake blushed. Bella looked at him curiously, but brushed it off.

"So you guys ready for Florida? I can't wait!" Jake tried to change the subject.

"What?!" Bella said dumbfounded.

"I said-"

"Roxy, can I talk to you for a sec?" Bella asked.

"Uh..sure." Roxy looks confused as Bella drags her into a nearby bathroom and locks the door.

"You really need to stop cutting people off-" Roxy said.

"You invited Jake, out of all people to go to Florida with us?" Bella said, ignoring Roxy's comment.

"Well yea. My mom said we can invite up to three people, and plus he's my BGF, you know." Roxy shrugged like it wasn't a big deal.

"No, I don't know. What's a BGF?"

"Best guy friend." Roxy said in a"duh" tone.

"Oh yeah? Well don't let him get TOO friendly." Bella said seriously.

"What do you mean?" Roxy asked.

"How could you not notice? He drools over you. Literally. Do you know how many puddles I've stepped in?" Bella said, disgusted.

"I'm sure he just notices me for my superior intelligence." Roxy said simply.

"Yeah. That's what a guy looks for in a girl." She said sarcastically.

"Anyway, the point is why didn't you tell me?" Bella asked. They told each other everything.

"I wanted it to be a surprise. SURPRISE!" Roxy tried to make things better.

"Well if you get to bring a guy, I do too!" Bella said stubbornly.

"Fine. We all know who you're going to pick anyway." Roxy gave in again. How does she do that?

"Yay! I forgive you." They hug and go back to the kitchen.

"So did you work out your girl problems?" Jake looked up from his phone.

"Yup! We're going to Florida!" Roxy jumped up and down like a 7 year old.

"Cool! So what were you doing before? It's pretty obvious you guys weren't expecting me." Jake said and looked at Bella. She blushed from embarrassment and mouthed an apology for her rudeness.

"Wait. Weren't we going to check out my dads office?" Bella remembered.

"Why would you do that? It's probably just filled with boring business accountant stuff." Jake didn't understand.

"Because she's trying to figure out why her dad left a week early for his business trip." Roxy explained and Jake nodded his head, as if he understood.

"Well come on." Bella urged and they walked up the stairs to the attic, Mr. Martinez's office.

"Woah. Now I know where you get the messy room trait from." Roxy says, referring to Bella's messy room.

"Now I know where I get it from." Bella joked.

"Ok people. Jake you check the left cabinets and I'll take the right. Roxy, look on his desk. MOVE OUT!" They ask go their assigned stations. After a few minutes of silence, Bella sighed loudly.

"This is useless. There is nothing here about accountants. Just papers about S.P.Y."

"Don't you mean spies?" Jake corrected her grammar.

"No, look. It says S.P.Y." Roxy and Jake go over to her and look at the file was looking at.

"S.P.Y.? I think I've heard of that before." Roxy tried to remember.

"I know I'm going to regret this, but let's check out the laptop." She said. They go to the desk and turn it on.

"What's the username and password?" Jake turned on the laptop and came to the entry screen.

"The username is Bella and the password is... Roxy tell him." Bella got sad again.

"Maribelle." Roxy whispered to Jake. Jake types it in and a bunch of files about S.P.Y. come up.

"I hate to state the obvious, but I don't think your dad was a business accountant. " Jake stated.

"All these files are about S.P.Y. headquarters in Hawaii. S.P.Y. stands for Specialized Intelligence Program for Youth."

"Maybe he went there." Roxy suggested. Bella stayed quiet for a while but finally spoke up.

"Wait, wait, wait. Are you saying that my dad is a spy or something?"

"Possibly." Roxy said.

"Probably." Jake added. Bella couldn't believe this.

"Well what's this address about?" She pointed at the screen.

"901 Lakers street."

"That's the address for the building he works in." Roxy pointed out.

"But we know it's not filled with business accountant stuff." Jake stated the obvious again.

"Then let's check it out." Bella suggested.

"Um...I don't think so. If that place really is S.P.Y. headquarters, it'll have tons of security." Roxy reminded them.

"Then I guess we'll just have to break in." Bella countered with an evil grin.

"I don't know about you guys, but it actually sounds like a pretty good idea." Jake chimed in.

"So you'll go with us?" Roxy asked.

"Yeah. We're the perfect team. I'm the skill, Roxy is the brains and Bella is...the risk!" Jake explained.

"The risk?" Bella was confused.

"I think he means you're the one who comes up with the risky plans, like breaking into S.P.Y. headquarters. Then we actually make it work." Roxy told Bella.

"Oh. Ok!" She said excitedly.

"So we need to check out the area. Bella, do you know what floor and room your dads office is?" Jake asked.

"Yea he told me once. It's floor 3, room 7." She told him.

"Good. Now that we know our destination, let's stake out the place." Jake finished and walked downstairs.

"Who put him in charge?" Bella muttered. Roxy just patted her back and laughed, then followed Jake. Bella trailed behind Roxy. They grab some things start walking down the block.

"So what was the address again?" Bella asked.

"109 Lakers street." Jake answered.

"No, I think it was 910." Roxy told him.

"Well, let's just look for a big building. I'm pretty sure S.P.Y. headquarters won't be in one of these houses." Bella said and the other two nodded their heads in agreement. They were on their way.

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