Chapter Three

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(A:N) He needs to stop playing with my feelings. It isn't funny!

"(Y/N) where the fuck were you?" (F/N) asks as she sees you walking towards her

"I was with Calvin. Sorry it took long."

"Long? 4 hours it more than long in my logic!"

"I said I'm sorry motherfucker. Wanna grab some doughnuts bitch?"

"Yeah hoe. You had me waiting on your slow ass for a good 4 hours of course. You know a bitch hungry."

*Time Skip*

"Thanks for taking me home bitch." You say, hugging your friend

"You're welcome home. Have a nice night." (F/N) hugs you back

You enter your home, waving goodbye. You look out the window, seeing your friend drive off out your sight. You turn on all the lights in your home.

*Itty Bitty Time Skip*

You go in your bedroom. Your phone starts to ring, scaring you a little bit. You answer the phone saying, "Hello?"

"Aye (Y/N)! It's Calvin."

You enjoyed Calvin's charm as it turned you on. He seemed like a very nice gentleman. But, you only met him for one time. Wishing you could meet him again, and have that intoxicating feeling you had hours ago. And, still do...

"Hey Calvin. What's up?"

"Nothing much, you?"

"Same. How are you?"

"I'm doing pretty good. Just got finished washing my hair."


You and Calvin talked for hours on the telephone. His addicting, intoxicating personality was getting back in the atmosphere. He was leaving a big ass smile on your face. His smooth talking left you speechless.

Calvin's POV

"I'll talk to ya later." I say, hanging up the phone

"Calvin!" An unknown girl calls out Calvin's name

"What the fuck do you want Haley?" I grunt, slumping in his gaming chair

"Who was that on the phone?"

"A friend." I grin

"Who is this friend?"

"Just a friend!" I exclaim, getting up from my chair

"I was just asking you a question. No need to yell!"

"And, I was just answering your question!" I yell, leaving the room

"Why the hell are you running away from me. I am your girlfriend!" Haley follows me around the house

"Leave me the fuck alone!" I say, blocking what she was saying

When Haley finally catches up to me, the palm of her hand hits against my cheek.

"Ouch! What the fuck was that for?" I rub my cheek

"Listen to me!"

"You didn't have to slap me!" I say, running upstairs to my gaming room

I slam my door, locking it.

"Fuck you!" I yell out to Haley

"You know what?! Fuck you too you psycho! We're done! I am tired of your mischievous bullshit!" Haley yells

"Leave! I don't need you!"

I hear the front door slam, causing my items to shake in the gaming room.

"Woo!" I sigh, massaging my temples

I felt like weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I really didn't need Haley in my life. All she was to me was a girl. Nothing special. I played Overwatch as I tried calling KEEMSTAR on Skype.

"Keem!" I exclaim


"Guess what?!"


"I met this really attractive girl at VidCon. Oh my gosh!" I say, putting my hand on my chest

"For real? Did you get her number?"

"Yeah. She's really cool, she's a fan of me. She seems like the type of girls to hang with us."

"What's her name?'

"Her name is (Y/N)."

"I really like that name."

"I know right. I had butterflies in my stomach. I'm still shook by the fact she's a fan of mine. Damn."

"Leaf I hope you smash honestly." Keem sighs


"Leaf, you better smash motherfucker." Keem laughs

"Shut the hell up." I giggle

"I'm being fucking serious. Am I going to have to call Colossal?"

"No! Hell no, that's not necessary at all."

Keem laughs out loud.

"I would like her to be the key to my heart though." I coldly say

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