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Love is when you choose to be at your best when the other person is not at their best.

Love is when what you want is never important. But what the other person needs and wants is always paramount.

Those are the true, genuine definitions of love. Not in Calvin Vail's mind. Calvin's definition of love heartbreaking, and horrifying to hear.

After publishing your book, "Living With A Sociopath," it sold 1.1 million copies. You've gotten so much recognition. People were pleased with you writing something factual as this. The story was sorrowful, but opened people's eyes. They were reading words of your emotions, and real events happening. Calvin's miserable childhood, traumatizing him for the rest of his life. This story laid a lump in people's throats. Even fans of Calvin read your story, feeling some type of way.

You're spending a life with someone. That someone is Calvin Lee Vail. The twisting thing of it all, he doesn't love you back. But, he makes you cheerful, happy. He could love you back, but in his definition of love. A manipulative, uncaring, unemotional kind of love. He would put on a great show, seeming like he had a compassion.Showing himself publicly as a character. A charming, down to earth human being. But, that was all fake. You knew it before anyone else realized.

You were wanting to cherish your life with this man. Sounds insane, knowing he's a sociopath. But, Calvin does deserves love himself. You would do anything to make him happy. Seeing him unhappy puts weight on your heart. You adored Calvin more than a basket of candies. You could describe Calvin in a million words if possible. He was more than a YouTuber. He was more than LeafyIsHere...

Calvin was highly intelligent, meaning he knew what you would do before you did them. It meant numerous of things. He knew how to get you in bed with him. Honestly, you didn't regret letting him have his satisfying, addicting mouth on your body parts. He knew how to please you, without you telling him. Using you as a sex doll, for his own stimulation. His own pleasures and desires were hidden away. Only for you to shine yours to him.

Calvin's life on YouTube still lived on, but he changed up his content. He started creating real life skits, vlogs, and other entertaining videos. He gained so much popularity ever since he changed up his attitude, and videos. 

In real life, everything progressed slowly. It fucked with your mind knowing how Calvin felt about you. You had to meet a therapist because the emotional stage you were currently in. Calvin's personality was succeeding at a steady  rate. He couldn't change his opinion on what true love is. But, you kept holding on tightly. Calvin was still getting help, which was a good thing.

I guess things in life don't go the way you want them to go. If so, then Calvin would truly love you.

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