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My breath makes clouds in the air

As I shiver and pull my coat closed

And I sit and watch as a mother walks out of a store

Baby in one arm bag in the other

Across the street a dog is barking

chained to a black wire fence.

Barking for a few moments

Then slouching back over to his dog house

Something else catches my eye

As I turn my head I see two girls

One roughly age eight another about ten.

They are skating on a pond

Spinning around each other

Bundled up

They looked like pink and purple marshmallows

Shouting together

Smiles lighting up their faces.

There is a woman walking her dog on the trail

Talking angrily into her phone

And as I turned back to the dog in the dog house

I moved from the pole I had been leaning on

I went across the street and into a store.

I walked out two minutes later throwing the bone

I had bought into the dog's yard.

I went home.

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