Chapter 39

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"There are all kinds of love in this world but never the same love twice."

F. Scott Fitzgerald

If Amorette had thought she would have been alone in the parlour, then she was very wrong. As soon as she slammed the door behind her she turned and caught sight of Aramis sitting on a couch thumbing through a book.

Without even looking up from the book he asked dryly, "Well, what was the argument about this time?"

"How did you know?" Amorette asked the marksman as she drew closer to him. In doing so she realised that what he in fact held was the book of Fabien's poetry that Amorette had helped publish.

"This is very good you know," he exclaimed as he finally closed the book over and placed it upon the arm of the couch. Amorette smiled her thanks, still waiting for his answer to her question. "How do I know when you and Athos are bickering again? Well it's actually quite simple really. You see you both have this intrinsic way of getting upon one another's nerves with barely any effort at all. You rushing in here to slam the door in an irritated mood leads me to the conclusion you've disagreed with someone. I don't think anyone else in the house could exert such a reaction from you apart from Athos."

Amorette wasn't sure she liked the idea of everyone being aware of what she was feeling so easily. Then she supposed it was in fact her fault. She simply had to learn to contain her emotions more. "It's so odd you know. After dinner last night he was furious with me, then later on when it was just the two of us we managed to have a civilised conversation and he actually said some very kind things. Then this morning we are back to our usual argumentative selves. It seems we can only ever find common ground and speak as the old friends that we are when we are completely alone together and have indulged in one or two glasses of wine."

Aramis was smiling openly. "Both of you seem to think you are so different to one another, but doesn't what you've just said dispute those thoughts. There are feelings between you that neither one of you will admit before anyone else so you both put up these defensive walls. That's why you get on each other's nerves so much. I suspect if you were to both have a real and succinct conversation where you told each other how you really felt, then you might notice a change."

Amorette narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "What do you mean by how we really feel?"

Aramis sighed exasperatedly. "Madam I am not here to convince you that Athos has feelings for you other than friendship. I know that he does and I dare say Porthos, D'artagnan and perhaps even Treville may know too. You however must learn that for yourself. No matter who tells you, I think you will not believe it until you see for yourself how he feels for you."

Amorette sank onto the couch beside him dejectedly. "Aramis we work well as friends. Yes, I know we bicker, but doesn't everyone from time to time?"

Aramis snorted. "No! Constance and D'artagnan never argue. Their opinions may differ but they respect that about each other. No, you and Athos bicker because neither one of you wants to admit that the other may be right."

"Aramis, what if we did tell each other the truth and we argued more than ever? What if that's all that there really is for us? If being together would mean constant disagreements is there any point really? We fight like brother and sister as it is."

Aramis shook his head knowingly. "Brother and sister indeed! That may be the case, but what if it isn't? What if something much more magical were to happen? Isn't it worth the risk?"

Amorette suddenly remembered why she doubted Athos' feelings in the first place. "I don't think it is worth the risk Aramis. He cares for me as he would a sister. I think he gets confused sometimes because of the love that he had for my sister. Although it's not something that I readily admit to; I'm fully aware that there are certain traits and mannerisms within me and perhaps even a slight something in my appearance that gives him cause to remember my sister. I think that is what so conflicts him."

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