Part 5

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        You were Prince Charming, Will, but in this version of Cinderella starts out much more terrifying.
My aunt and uncle let me out just in time to fret about school. I had been so worried that it would be like before, but when school actually started, all my worries disappeared. I was just ignored, which was still much better than the alternative-being bullied. Even though this sounds foreign to you, I enjoyed walking through the school hallways without being noticed. But that changed on that day nearly halfway through the semester. The day that I came to know as the best and worst day of my life.
I arrived at school per usual, walking three miles from the house and leaving at six-thirty so I would get to school with an hour to spare. I loved walking through the empty hallways in the morning listening to the sound of silence. But that morning I had not wandered the halls, but visited my English classroom, for Professor Dynum had asked me to come in early the previous day so we could discuss an extra credit project.
I remember opening the door to what seemed to be an empty class when he grabbed me from behind. A calloused hand had been placed over me mouth, preventing me from screaming for help. Sobs had just began to rock my body when he leaned in closely and whispered in my ear, threatening that if I even made a peep, he would make me regret it. Shivering with fear, I had complied and didn't say a word as he let his hand drop from my whimpering lips.  But just to make sure, he tied a handkerchief through my mouth and around the back of my head, so whenever I attempted to talk it instead sounded similar to muffled choking.
He then began to tie me up against the wall, using hooks I previously thought were used for hanging projects and not for preying on young women. By the time he had secured me entirely, I was so scared I could barely stand. But I only got worse from there. Like a puppet on strings I stood there, not able to do anything to stop him or the thoughts that plagued me. Thoughts that told me that this was all I was good for; being pushed around for others pleasure. From his hand reached under my shirt, I finally began retaliating. The thought of just standing there while he raped me gave me life. I pulled against my bonds with all my will to no avail. All I received was a hand backhand across the face, bringing me to my knees and ending my attempts for freedom.
He groped me, in so many places I can't describe them all. It was horrible, kneeling there as he did what he wanted with me, but he seemed to be loving it. The seemed to love having power over others. Thankfully, he was cocky and went slow, probably savoring every minute while believing that no one could stop him. This was his downfall. For right as he was reaching to grasp the zipper of my jeans, you, Will, walked into my life.  

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