Prologue: Tomorrow At 2:00.

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"When will we know if the adoption came through"? Gina and Sean Montez were adopting a baby girl. They had wanted a baby for some time now and due to Gina's long medical history, they were unable to get pregnant. They were both natives of Bunkerfield, a town were they lived just outside of Ruggsville Alabama. They hoped to be moving to Ruggsville soon as a better opportunity had opened for Sean. He was a well know lawyer that had worked with numerous murder cases from the town, which made him unliked by locals and his wife Gina was an accountant for a cosmetic company in Ruggsville. "I don't know Honey, Soon they should let us know soon" Gina shot Sean a Look that he could see right through. "Okay, I'll call if they don't call soon" Gina walked into the office and grabbed a folder from the filing cabinet. "I can't believe they found this baby in such a terrible situation, I pray we get her. I want to make her life so much better" The Phone begin to ring from the other room as Mr. Montez rushed to answer. "Yes, YES tomorrow is perfect. We should be in Ruggsville around 2:00" Sean smiled. "Gina, this time tomorrow you will have your baby girl that you've always wanted, this time tomorrow you will be a Mommy"

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