Fun situations

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Cecil's POV

"A-Are you o-o-okay?" Misty stammered whilst trying to regain herself.

"I-I.. I don't know," My voice came out scratchy and dry.

Misty seemed to be able to recompose herself and was able to think clearly. Her eyes wondered around the edge of the clearing making sure there was no one to be seen. She then held her arms out and focused. I could tell because her eyebrows were creased. I was still shaking but luckily Misty was able to quickly conjure some clothes and help me into them. The pain from the transformation had mostly worn off but the transformation had ripped my shoulder even more and I was bleeding badly. Black dots danced in my vision as I felt myself being pulled away further into the darkness.

Misty's POV

Cecil was losing consciousness and I had started to freak out again. She was losing a lot of blood and I couldn't hold enough pressure on the wound. I tried to think of any spells that would make the bleeding stop because I had already tried to will it but I couldn't focus enough. No spells at all came to my mind so I scratched that idea and chucked my wand back in my satchel. I threw her good arm over my shoulders and held her up, whilst also trying to put pressure on her shoulder. I started on my way out of the forest and I swear something was watching us, but I didn't have time to think about that. I needed to get her to the infirmary and fast. I feel like this is a great time to figure out the Pros and cons about this situation.

Cons: I'm sweating, there is blood everywhere, Cecil is kinda heavy, anyone could see us, this is very hard to explain, Remus might be expelled and I don't know where the infirmary is.

Pros: We will be making a great entrance and Cecil will have a fabulous battle scar.

Well this is a fun situation... Fuck. 

The Adventures of Cecil and Misty *Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now