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Cecil's P.O.V

"Cecil! are you there?!" screamed Misty from the bottom of the stairs.

What is she doing in my house?  

"Here!" I called back to her.

"Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!"

"Misty, stop saying what you're doing!"

"But it is fun!" she whined back.

"Why is this my life?" I questioned the heavens.  

OMM, for all the muggles out there that means Oh My Merlin,  are you actually trying to give me an answer!? Oh wait... I just tripped... with style ;) The question is WHAT did I trip over?

"Why in Narnia is there a cheese wheel in my room?" I spoke calmly. Calmly Dumbledore! Calmly!

"Oh I put it there," answered Misty as she entered my room.

"Ok, cool. So why are you in my house and how did you get in?"

"Climbed through a window."


"And I am here on official Hogwarts business," she said trying to do an impersonation of Hagrid. If you haven't already figured this out we are completely obsessed with Harry Potter... and The Hunger Games, Divergent, Adventure time, Wolfblood, Narnia, Charmed, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Pirates of the Caribbean, Doctor Who... Ok, so you get the picture we are obsessed with a lot of things. A LOT!

"What official Hogwarts business?" I asked really wanting to know. Now just for future reference a lot of the things we say well... they don't exactly make any sense... so good luck with that.

"No nose, has returned!"

"Gasp!" I gasped.






"Stop gasping!"

"But Cecily it's fun," Misty whined in her best baby voice.

"So it is young padawan" I said in my Yoda voice. We started laughing uncontrollably and ended up asleep seeing as it was like 9pm when Misty broke into MY house.

(Time Skip) 

"Cecilia! Is Melinda up there! She didn't come home last night and her parents are worried!"

We woke up to my dad screaming up the stairs.

"Yeah Dad she's here!" I screamed back still half asleep.

"Alright!" My dad called back.

"It's too early to get up," whined Misty from underneath a sleeping bag and my duvet... How?

"It's like 10 in the morning," I yawned.

"Exactly the Morning..."

I started laughing and shook my head. "And I am supposedly 'not a morning person''' I said still laughing and putting air quotes around the last bit.

"Hey!" Misty suddenly said. "I challenge you to a duel, winner takes shower," she challenged me.

"Oh you're on," I said in my I-am-so-going-to-beat-you-with-a-butter-sock, voice. We raced to my Wii that is next to my epic Tv in my Epic room. I am so Epic. Awesome. Anywho... after a intense game of Mario Kart. Were she ONLY won because on the last lap she threw THE CHEESE WHEEL OF DOOM at me. She STOLE some of my clothes, seeing as we are the exact same size, and skipped over to the bathroom. She was probably going to be a while, like, an hour... Yay! (Note the sarcasm). I plonked myself down on my bed and pulled out my copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I <3 Remus Lupin. What? I go for Werewolves sue me. Misty likes Sirius better. That's the only thing we disagree on. Except for maybe which one of us is crazier... although that always ends in a tie.

1 hour later. (Insert voice of narrator for spongebob here)

I was at the part where Sirius was trying to kill that evil son of a potato Peter Pettigrew when a hand came and stole my book out of my hand. I glared at were the hand came from.

"Melinda Sapphire Star, give me my book back,"I said in my awesome I-am-going-to-kill-you-and-your-chickens-if-you-don't-give-me-my-jigglypuff-back voice.

"Shower now."

"Evil Misty."

"Whatever," and with that she killed me... jokes. She threw my FAVOURITE Harry Potter book halfway across the room. It landed near THE CHEESE WHEEL OF DOOM. Ya know if we were to walk over to the Tv to play a game on my Wii, we would most likely trip over THE CHEESE WHEEL OF DOOM and face plant straight into Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban... I should probably move it... NAH! I am way to lazy plus it is really unlikely that would ever happen. We are just way too cool. Shower time.

Once I got out of the shower and got dressed into my awesome outfit, Misty and I raced down the stairs after grabbing everything we would need for the day.

"I won!" I called when I got to the bottom of the stairs.

"No fair you cheated," she pouted.

"Yes, yes I did," I told her with a shrug. No point in lying about it, I slid down the bannister.

"Ugh!" she complained, "I hate it when you admit things it means I can't complain about them."

"You're still complaining," I said in a sing-song voice as I walked over to the kitchen. I need Food. Food. Bacon. Scrambled eggs. Bacon. Toast. BACON. BACON. Waffles. Pancakes. Cheese. Bacon. BACON. BACON. I want Bacon. I smell Bacon.

"BACON!" I screamed as I entered the kitchen and saw my dad had made BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really really really really really really really, really LOVE bacon.

(Time skip) 

It was around 6pm and Misty and I had been sitting in my room reading, talking and watching TV for 2 hours. After I ate ALL the BACON, Misty and I went shopping for like 4 hours it was cool we met up with some friends from school and hanged out. So yeah...

"You wanna play Super smash brothers brawl?" I suddenly asked Misty.

"YAY, No more awkwardly sitting there pretending to read while I listen to you breathing!" Misty creepily commented.

"Creep," I mumbled. But of course she heard me because she is Misty, any normal person wouldn't have of heard me but... NORMAL IS BORING!!!!.

"You still Love me."

"You love me more."

"Whatever... LETS PLAY!!" She exclaimed. I face Palmed... literally.

But what happened next was a serious What-in-the-name-of-thieving-little-nargles-just-happened moment... Let me explain. We were walking over to the Wii to turn it on and put in the game but... we tripped over THE CHEESE WHEEL OF DOOM and epically face planted in perfect sync. As we were falling it was in slow motion and I swear I could see my life flash before my eyes but it was mostly me reading Harry Potter... wait... maybe it is just the fact that we are face planting into a Harry Potter book. I closed my eyes and waited for impact. I somehow knew that Misty had also closed her eyes. How I know?... Don't ask... Anyway the strange thing that had happened was that the pain never came. I kept my eyes closed until I heard a sound that any normal person would DEFINITELY NOT hear in their bedroom... A Steam Train whistle..............................

What in the name of Merlin's beard is going on?

A.N Last edited on the 10/06/16

The Adventures of Cecil and Misty *Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now