Laxmila-Saat Phere

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  Urmila was sitting in the mandap decked as a bride. She was still feeling everything as a dream. Two week back she was making merry on the wedding of her sister. Then she was trying to understand what she was feeling jijashree's brother. Today she was sitting beside him, as his bride and she knew for sure what she felt. She loved him, loved him deeply.

Lakshman didn't know what to feel. The teeki mirchi he was teasing was going to be his wife. The one he never thought would get along with him, he knew she was his soul mate in her own way. Yes she had the teekapan, but then she hided her mithapan perfectly with that teekapan, sweetness visible only to those she allowed."Raja Janak Kanyadan kijiye" the priest was telling. Lakshman and Urmila came out from their trance. He put his hands forward, Janak placed Urmila's hand over his keeping flowers and beetel leaf. Then keeping both their hands together, they made the offering to the fire." Var aur vadhu varmala ke liye khade ho jaayiye" came the priest's next command. Urmila was asked to put varmala first. She took the Varmala and looked at him for him to bow. Lakshman for a sec stood straight, and he saw her face giving a puzzled look, a line of worry, a sudden fear. He smiled and bowed. Urmila put the varmala, still the anger somewhat in her face hidden in smile and blush. Lakshman took the varmala and she bowed as if her heart was waiting for this moment. For him to choose her.They sat once again and Sunaina did the Ghatbandhan. Lakshman knew their destinies were one now. He looked at Urmila. She was calm and serene. So sure to take the responsibilities that came her way. He felt assured as the priest asked them to stand up for saat phere.Saat phere thought Urmila as she took the step behind him. This was the first step towards a new journey with new promises. The promise which forms the basis of their life from here on. The promise which will be challenged at every turn, the promise which will be conflicted many a times, but then the promise has to be kept.They had finished the 4 pheras and the priest asked Urmila to walk forward for the next 3 pheras. "She is my strength, she is my wealth and it is in the knowledge she holds I will be able to perform my duties and yet keep my promise to her. I cannot keep all the promises dear Urmila without you showing the direction. From today my dear wife I trust your wisdom to show me the path whenever I am in conflicts". said Lakshman to himselfThe pheras were completed and the priest asked Lakshman to fill Urmila's maang with vermillion.As he was filling her maang there were tears in Urmila's eyes and his eyes were moist too as the red line in her maang loudly proclaimed their love.

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