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    Here you will meet a 16 year old named Astrid who is an introvert and imaginative woman. She lives with her mother, Carla who has coronary heart disease. Kassie helps her everyday, just thinking about what it would be like to have her mother feeling better. Kassie isn't one to admit her true feelings for anyone or anything but knows deep down that she would soon open up.

    I got home from school, helped my mother around the house, did my homework then made food for the two of us and went to sleep. That was my regular routine until tonight. At 3:36 in the morning, I heard a plate falling and a big thud along with it.

    I bolted up and ran to my mother's room. She's not there! 'What the hell happened!?' I wondered . I ran down the stairs into the kitchen where there was a broken plate on the ground and next to the plate. . . My mother with blood running down the side of her head.

    "Well it looks like she fell, hitting her head on the edge of the table. We will have to bring her to the hospital because she's getting worse. She fell because she had a heart attack." The officer informed. I felt scared and alone. I couldn't say a word so I shook my head, yes, and waited for the police to leave to cry it all out. 'She's gonna be fine, she's gonna come home in a few days.' I try to tell myself, 'everything will be the same'. But inside I knew everything wouldn't be the same. I could only wait.

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