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    After that day I would go to the hospital after school to see my mother. It's been a week since the incident. She looks... better, I guess. The nurse told me that she will have to stay at the hospital until she's completely well again.


Today I went to see her, but she was sleeping. She looked so peaceful, like she had no care in the world. I decided to wait until she woke up. I sat in a chair next to her, listening to the beeping of her heart on the heart monitor. I started to doze off until I heard the satisfying beeps turn into one, long and loud, unsatisfying beep.

    I awoke alarmed by the noise. I yelled for a nurse, unsure of what to do. I was in complete shock. I was scared but didn't cry, I just held my hand to my chest trying to calm down. I was freaking out. I just had to stay strong for my mother. The nurse came in telling me to exit the room but I stayed, just a little longer to look at her restless form which was now the only way to remember her for what she was. Peaceful. I then released a voice cracking 'I love you' and left the room.

    "There was absolutely nothing that we could do to save her this time. I'm so sorry. Do you have anyone in the family to come pick you up?" The nurse asked. I knew nothing could help her, she just had to be strong. I then answered,"Um...yea, I'll be fine sorry I'm just tired." She raised an eyebrow. "You didn't answer my question. Do you have someone to look after you? You're still under age to live by yourself. There has to be some family you can call." She asked in a stern manner. The truth was, nobody in my family lived close to us. My family is spread across the country. Only my aunt Clarissa lives the closest and that is in Orlando, Florida. I hope she can make it to Vancouver.

    "Um....Yes I do. My aunt can pick me up she lives a little Southeast from here." I lie. "Well, I guess you wouldn't mind waiting for her until she comes to pick you up, right?" She asked with a suspicious look on her face. She wasn't taking me serious and she didn't have time for my lies but I stood my ground. "No, not at all. I'm going to go call her now." I said. I ended the questioning by waving and walking straight to the bathroom in need of some privacy to call my aunt.

    "Hello Kassie, how are you? Is your mother well? How's school? We haven't talked since two months ago? I miss you!" She basically squealed into the phone. I would break down if I had to talk about my mother but I had to be straight forward and tell Clarissa. "Hi. I missed you too and school has been great. Sorry I didn't call you often. Well um, my mother is um..." I was tearing up, my vision becoming hazy and a vile taste in my throat. "Oh no! I'm so sorry dear. It's ok. You don't have to say you want to talk about it?" She sounded shaky. Knowing that your close sister died is sad. "Um I was just wondering if you could pick me up from the hospital and I know it's a long way and a lot of money but I don't want to be alone and..." I muttered. "Ok, calm down. Breath. I'll come as fast as I can Kass you just..just hold on." She started to cry. "Thank you, I'm at Origan hospital, I'll see you soon. Love you." I said. "Anything you need call me ok love you too. Bye." And with that the call ended. I stayed in the bathroom for 20 minutes while sitting on the floor trying to get myself together then went into the check-in near the entrance of the hospital and sat in a chair and waited.

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