Chapter 1

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Running through the forest was white fured, blue eyed wolf. The wolf was majestic as it ran through the forest.

It's fur flowing through the wind, pure white, similar to snow. The blue eyes, glistening in the light, as blue as the ocean water's, still pure. The wolf had been running for what felt like an hour, then came to an abrupt stop. When it stopped, the wolf's ears perked up, listening for something.

Then out of the forest, another wolf came towards the white wolf. This second wolf was a light brown color with blueish colored eyes.

"Lily. Why did you run off like that?" asked the light brown wolf.

Lily, the white wolf, replied, "Well. It's just that, I wanted to see the sunset. Venom, you understand this right"?

Venom, the light brown wolf, looked Lily in the eyes and said, "I understand... I'll tell the other's why you ran off". Lily Waged her tail, sat down, and watched the sunset. Venom ran off, back to the pack den. Lily sighed as she watched the last light of day fade away into the darkness of night.

Lily watched the stars as they twinkled in the night sky. There was no moon this night so Lily stood up and ran back to the pack den. When Lily had arrived she seen one of her pack members. This wolf had green eyes and was a brown timber wolf.

"Hey Rose. Why are you still up and out?" asked Lily.

Rose, the brown timber wolf replied, "Oh! Hey Lily. I'm out because Venom asked me to keep watch and look out for you when you got back". Lily nodded her head, signalling for Rose to go to ger den and rest. Rose nodded back and walked to her den. Lily watched Rose to make sure she got to her den, then Lily walked to her den.

Lily's den was the biggest because she was the leader of the pack. When she got there, she laid with her mate. Lily's mate was a lion named Leo.

Leo woke up and said, "Oh. Hey Lily. Your back late".

"Yeah.... I just had to watch the last light of day." said Lily as she laid her head down on her mate. Leo laid his head down as well and they fell asleep.


uthor's note: There will be more chapters to come. I might even get more than 2 done and up today. Enjoy!

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