Chapter 7- 'ice' friends

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The cold breeze hit frisk and chara immediately. enough to make frisk shiver however Chara was unaffected, they started to walk only when they saw something in the bushes, they both got closer look and saw a hidden camera, they both looked at each other and decided to forget about the camera and continued their journey.

Frisk walked on the crunching white snow underneath his feet, he had a strong feeling like they were both being follow, frisk keeps walking and finds a branch.

[*It's a tough looking branch]
[*It's too heavy to pick up]

Frisk walks over the tough branch and keeps walking until he hear a loud SNAP.

Frisk turns around, there was nothing there, frisk and chara looked at each other and panicked, they keep walking but quickly, to get away from this mysterious stranger following them.
They hear the snow crunch behind them and looked behind them, nothing was there again, frisk started running until for some reason he stopped at a gap between a large gate."Frisk what are you doing?!? Don't just stand there?!?!" Chara yelled as she panicked hearing the snow crushing getting louder and louder.

Frisk couldn't move He was too scared to even tried, He heard a deep voice of the stranger speak.

"H U M A N"

"D O N ' T  Y O U  K N O W  H O W  T O  G R E E T  A  N E W  P A L ?"

"T U R N  A R O U N D  A N D  S H A K E  M Y  H A N D"

Frisk slowly turn around and closed his eyes. He took his hand out and shook it. A farting sound was heard as his hand made contact.

"Heheheh... the old whoopie chushion in the hand trick."

chara burst out laughing, frisk tried not to but he couldn't help it.

"It's ALWAYS funny."

"Anyways, your a human, right?"

Said the skeleton with a permanent smile, frisk nodded.

"Thats hilarious."

"I'm sans, sans the skeleton." The skeleton introduced.

"I'm actually supposed be on watch for humans right now. but...y'know... i don't really care about capturing anybody." Sans shrugged.

"But my brother, Papyrus...he's a human-hunting FANATIC."

Sans looked over frisk's shoulder.

"Hey, actually I think that's him over there." He pointed.

"I have an idea."

"Go through this gate thingy."

Frisk looked back at the gate then at sans, confused.

"Yeah, go right though. my bro made the bars too wide to stop anyone."

Frisk goes though the wide gate and stopped when sans reached out an arm across his chest.

"Quick, behind that conveniently-shaped lamp." Sans motions frisk to a lamp.

Frisk looked over to the conveniently-shaped and hid behind it, He heard the crunching of the snow getting louder until it stops.

"Sup, bro?" Sans said, lazily.







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