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ChapterOne: SomethingAboutHIM

A/N: I actually enjoyed writing this Part so pleeeeease read and like and stuff :)

Andy's P.O.V

"All bandaged up now" I said to Kuza as we walked back to the truck. He rubbed his wrapped up nose staring down at it, completely unaware of how cross eyed he looked. I giggled, until he looked to me. I then looked to my pockets, grabbing my keys.

"I'm just glad I didn't have to stay overnight" So was I...

"Heh, me too" He chuckled and we climbed back into the truck, the same place he just kissed me.  Though it was almost 2 hours ago, it felt like 4 minutes.

I began to drive back home. As I did, I could feel Kuza's eyes in me once again. I wanted to know why, but I didn't want to make it awkward again. 

"See something you like?" I smirked and looked over to him and he bit his lip, causing me to blush a bit. He nodded, looking through the front window. I felt so warm when he nodded; these butterflies were shooting glitter and fireworks in my belly. 

"Let's get some pizza" He suggested, texting someone on his phone. 

Sounded like an absolutely great idea, boy was I hungry. "Sure" I turned into a pizza hut and parked, grabbing my wallet from my Console. "Be right back" He nodded and I escaped from the car. 

"Andy!" I heard and turned to see him leaning out a rolled down window. "What?"

"No olives, sardines, pineapples, pepperoni, or sausage" I chuckled. "Geez, what do you eat then?" He grinned. "Ass" He said, rolling the tinted window back up. 

I laughed, did NOT see that coming.

His sense of humor was dark, hilarious, or vulgar, or all three in one. 

And I loved it.

I walked inside to the warmth of the Pizza Hut and ordered our pizza. What would we do when we got home though? Maybe watch a movie… I don’t know. I walked back out, holding the pizza by their sides with both hands. I approached the truck and waited for him to look over, because I couldn’t knock with this pizza in my hands. Yet he never looked up. So I decided to get his attention another way.

“KUZA!” I yelled and he jumped, redirecting his vision from the phone to me, standing outside the car. He reached over and unlocked my door. “Geez Andy” I chuckled. “Well you wouldn’t look up from your phone so” He grabbed the pizza and sat it on his lap as I slid in. “I got bacon on it, if that’s what you want” He smiled like a child at Christmas. “It’s exactly what I wanted.”

I began to drive in the direction of the house, the smell of the pizza so intoxicating. I couldn’t wait to eat. Barley home, I looked over to Kuza. His eyes were closed, head comfortably propped against on the head rest, and he wouldn’t even move. I giggled; he was so cute, looking completely comatose. When I arrived, I seen Jinxx’s car was gone. Where would he be? I ordered this extra pizza just for him and he wasn’t even here. I drove into the driveway and killed the engine. I tapped Kuza gently and he slowly opened his eyes. I unlocked the doors and chuckled. “We’re home sleepy head” He stretched, arching his back as he did. He grabbed the boxes and stepped out the truck. We walked up the porch steps and went into the house. The house was so quiet. “There’s a note on the table” Kuza pointed out, sitting the boxes on the coffee table. He picked it up and read it to himself, then passed it to me. The note read;

“Andy and Michael, I’ll be back tomorrow, went over to Kate’s. Save me some food if you went out to get some”

“Who’s Kate?” Michael asked, pulling his jacket over his head. Nothing on underneath, damn he looked good. I was seriously on the verge of drooling. “His ex-girlfriend” Guess he went over to get back with her. I never understood what she seen in that girl. “Oh” He said, sounding completely uninterested. He laid on the couch, his legs dangling over the arm of it. I sat on the loveseat on the other side of the room and grabbed the remote from the coffee table, turning it on. What to watch, what to watch? I flicked through channels until I found a movie, Friday the 13th. Typically this movie didn’t scare me much, or at all, but there was sex in it and that’s all I really wanted to see. Lucky for me, it was only a scene away too.

“Want a plate or are you gonna eat with your hands ?” He shrugged, looking over to me. “Eh, doesn’t matter” I stood up and went into the kitchen, grabbing two plates and two plastic cups. I sat them on the table and he sat up. “You brought cups with nothing in them?” I chuckled, walking back into the kitchen to grab the Pepsi bottle sitting in the fridge. I came back in and poured an equal amount into our cups. He began to drink, chugging down the whole Pepsi. “Geez deep throat” He smirked, flipping open the pizza box and grabbing a slice.

“What’re we watching?” I looked up to the TV, and to no surprise, the sex scene was on. I looked over to him again, he wouldn’t even blink! I bit into my pizza, trying not to make any eye contact with him, because once again for the thousandth time tonight, his roaming eyes were searching my body. Since he wouldn't look away, I looked to him. "What?" I asked quietly, trying to sound as innocent as possible. He shook his head and poured himself more Pepsi.

Michael's P.O.V 

He snickered to himself. What was he thinking... I'd wondered this a lot tonight. To be honest, I always wonder what goes through his mind. With every random chuckle and shake of the head that always stemmed from something I'd say or do. What are you thinking... I wanted to ask so bad.

I looked to the TV and bit my pizza. Really Andy? Maybe he didn't know this scene was coming up. But sneaky Andy was always up to something. Trying to get me hard huh? I laughed to my thought, this time he'd be wondering what I'm laughing at. "What're you thinking bout?" He asked. With any hesitation, I answered. "Why are we watching this sex scene?" He grew stiff, then a small smirk crossed his lips, curving at the end. "No reason"  I scoffed. "I'm onto you Andrew Biersack" He gave me a look, a look challenging my knowledge. We shared a friendly, comfortable laugh and continued to share small talk until we finished eating. Boy was the itis kicking it. I felt like I may have gained 400 pounds from those couple slices. I yawned into my hand and rubbed my watering eyes. "Sleepy?" I nodded as a child would and stood from the couch, stretching my back.

We cleaned up our mess and I trailed behind Andy up to his room. He pushed open the black painted door and we stepped in, a cold breeze escaping. My bare stomach did not agree with or sign up for this cold breeze all through this huge house. But then again, I was the one that decided to take off my shirt. But I did it for a reason...

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