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Chapter Two: Unrequited Love

Michael's Point Of View.

What could they be talking about that was serious I had to stay here? I laid comfortably across Ashley’s couch, playing some games on my phone. When I finally looked up, Andy was slowly coming down the steps, his face broke down. He pushed his hair behind his ear and sighed. “You okay?” He shook his head and grabbed his keys off the coffee table, grabbing my hand. I stood from the couch and we left the house.

The ride was quiet. He had me drive because for some reason, he was too upset to pay attention to the road. “You wanna talk about it?’ I took a quick glance at him. His head lye on the window, eyes sank low, his fingers finding loose strings on his skinnies and playing with them, whirling them around his scrawny little fingers. “He quit the band…” Damn. He shrugged. “I guess this is better for him.” I found this also suspicious. I felt as if maybe… I was catching on to what was happening. But I always have that feeling, remember?

“Did he… say why?” He shook his head, looking out of the window. “Kuza I don’t get it” I looked to him for a second “Get what?”

“It’s just… We’ve been in a band for the LONGEST time, since we’ve been fucking teenagers. And no matter what happened to us, we talked about it. We stayed together. We resolved shit! Now he’s just… leaving, without an explanation. This sucks...”He quickly wiped a tear from his face. “Babe, don’t cry…” I took his hand in mine and he sniffed. “Wonder how the guys will feel about this…” He intertwined our fingers and chuckled humorlessly. “Wow…” I said lowly, pulling into the driveway behind Jinxx’s car. “Well Jinxxy is home. Finally” 

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