Chapter One

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(Your POV)
I never really could fit in wherever I went.
No matter where I'd go I never quite figured out how to fit in and get along with the crowd.
I grew up, got out of high school and pretty much spent my time at home doing absolutely nothing, then spend around 7 hours doing a job that I barley even get payed for.
Yes I am very lost, I'm 23 I haven't done anything with my life, I only really have one friend and that's my roommate, Mandy, we've been friends since 3rd grade and she is the only one who has actually delt with me, I'm so blessed to have her, without her I would be even more lost, probably sitting on the street not knowing where to even walk.
Today though..
Today is the day.
I've decided to try and accomplish a goal I never thought I could accomplish.
Becoming a Graphic Designer.
There is an opening spot today for two people to become Graphic Designers for a huge, ginormous, gaming company, this would be a dream to accomplish, but knowing the availability of this kind of job, there is going to be several people, far more skilled than I could ever be, but my parents told me as a child.

"Don't let yourself down because you don't think you can do something, just try, you could be a million times better than you ever thought you could be."

So even if I don't get this spot, I'm going to walk away proud and happy I've even tried.
I just need to try something, anything really, I need to quit living my life in a dark deep hole that nobody can ever crawl into.

Well here it goes. A start to something I could have tried forever ago.

I went to the counter and grabbed my car keys that I surprisingly haven't lost yet, I'm terrible at keeping track with alot of things so I'm surprised out of the 2 years I've had this car, I've never misplaced my keys.
I took a deep breath and walked out the door.
Today I could be living a dream I never thought I would accomplish, because I lived in such a pessimistic point of view for the longest amount of time.
Once I got outside I was quickly surrounded by the warm humid weather.

"Great to be living in California." I chuckled to myself.

I got into my car and started the ignition taking another deep solid breath. I'm so scared, but so excited at the same time. I just really wonder who else is going to be there with me....

*After about 20 minutes*

I finally arrived at the building where the applications were being held, I took out the keys in the ignition and sat in the car for a minute while all these negative thoughts filled my head.
I quickly shook my head away of all thoughts.

"God dammit Y/N grow up, if you don't get it you don't get it, life is life." I said to myself getting frustrated then calming down.

I got out of my car locking it, and looked up at the building, it was about 30 stories tall, I'm sort of afraid of heights, but I feel like once I'm in and up at the 23rd floor, where the applications are being held, I'll be perfectly fine.

I walked inside the building, the temperature drastically changing from the humid hot air, which I'm not really to fond of, to the ice cold room. My skin had been very hot, practically sweating, so the AC really helped me.
Walking towards the elevator I saw a guy with Black hair, he looked like he was probably in his late twenties, I don't know I'm terrible at telling peoples ages if I could say so myself.
We both had gotten into the same elevator and once I went to go hit the 23 floor button he had already pressed it.

"Oh my bad.." I said walking to the back of the elevator

"No no its perfectly fine, I can see you're heading to floor 23 too, are you doing the applications too?" He looked over at the me with a smile.

He had great teeth, his smile sparkled into my eyes, his smile basically summed up what he was like. Kind, nice, loving, respectful.

"Yeah I hope I get it, this has honestly always been a dream of mine to be honest.. I've dreamt about being a Graphic Designer ever since I played my first video game." I eventually managed to say.

"That's awesome I practically play video games for a living, I always sit at home just spending my life playing games, its a great way to live life." he let out that flashy smile again


The elevator had reached the 23rd floor.

I walked out of the Elevator along with the guy who's name I still don't know, and I was amazed by all the technology I had seen, if I get this job I'm going to be so blessed, I could really start a new life just off of this one job...

(A/N) Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of my story, I really hope that you guys enjoy it, I plan on updating and making new chapters as soon as possible :)

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