Chapter Two

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(Your POV)

Walking into the room where the applications at I could see.. let me count.. uh 1..2..3..4 shit 5 other people other than me and that one guy, they all look super smart, god how am I going to compete against this, ill be lucky if they even give me a go.

I sat down in a chair located off to the side of the doors where the interview was at and the guy from the elevator,  not to long ago, sat beside me.

"Hey I never got your name." I heard him speak in a deep relaxed tone.

"Oh mine, its (Y/N) but some people call me(N/N).. what about you?" I flashed a shy, innocent smile his way.

"(Y/N) that's a lovely name, my names Mark. No nicknames really..just Mark."

He opened up his mouth to say something then a man, around 6'0 tall walked out from the office. 

"Mark FishBack?" he said looking at the row of people waiting to still be interviewed.

Mark laughed a little bit, "It's FischBach, but that okay, people always pronounce it wrong."

The guy just glared at him and motioned him into the office.

Mark, he seems smart, very intelligent, almost like this kind of job just fit right into his alley. 

I sat further back into the chair and sighed, I want today to be over with, I just want to do my interview and leave, go home and just sleep.

After around 10 minutes later Mark walked out, he seemed just as relaxed as ever, how can he be so relaxed while interviewing for this kind of job, he spoke highly of it like I did, maybe even more then I did to be honest, he walked over to me and smiled.

"He wants to see you now." with that he walked away and patted my shoulder.

I took a deep breath . Everything... it will all be okay, just relax it's probably a lot easier than you think it is.

I walked into the mans office and sat in the chair located in front of his desk, his room was super fancy, very designed, it felt way to sophisticated for me to be in considering the fact the only "fancy" thing I'm ever in is a doctors office, and those after even that fancy.

"So Miss (L/N).. I see you have wanted to be a graphic designer for pretty much as long ago as you started to even speak, you have a 4.0" He looked at me and gave a nod of improvement, practically amazed

"You have many amazing qualities Miss (L/N) I'll make sure to keep you in my thoughts when choosing who to take for this job." He sat up and put out his hand to shake mine and I gladly shook his hand back.

I walked out of the room smiling with my head high, I have a huge possibility of getting the job I've desired to have for years,  this is unbelieveable.

I got into the elevator and took a huge breath, I've done it, I got the interview out of the way and I feel alot happier than I have in years, I was about to say "Fuck it" and stay home today, but I didn't I pushed for my goals because this is what I believed in and I'm so happy,  I just met an amazing guy named Mark and I might have an amazing job that I've dreamt for, for literally years.

Speaking of meeting that Mark guy, I never got any of his contact information, he seems like a really nice guy to talk to, but it's whatever.

I pushed the door so I could walk outside and was quickly engulfed into the warm humid air. I hate California weather so much.

Getting in my car I burned myself on the seatbelt.

"Shit!" I practically yelled as loud as I could. I wish I was smart enough to have a car screen protector so I didn't have to deal with dumb shit like this.

I decided to go head out to the Park so I could take a walk and just enjoy life, enjoy the scenery.

I put in my headphones and played music off of my phone, I love just taking walks, looking at the pure nature around me, while listening to music it really take me away to a happy place away from all stress, plus it's also just really nice.

After about 10 minutes of walking and enjoying life an adorable white golden retriever ran up around me, quickly becoming in love with the dog I began to pet them, I looked at the collar, Chica what a cute name.

"Chica come here girl." I heard a familiar voice call from a far.

The dog soon jumped off of me and ran over to her owner. I looked up from where Chica last was and saw Mark.

"Oh (Y/N) Hi! I'm actually kind of happy I ran into you."

Him? Happy to run into me? Doubtful, every new human being I've ever met as just looked at me in despise and walked away, but I'm kind of happy I got to see him too.

"Same to you." I said with a half smile.

"I was in a huge hurry at the interview I completley forgot to ask for your number if you'd like to keep in contact possibly I mean." he put his hands together and rubbed his palm with his thumb, clearly a sign of nervousment, I can't blame him I'd be nervous asking for a person's number I just recently met too.

"Yes, I was honestly just thinking a little while ago how I possibly missed my opportunity to get any form of contact information with you, you seem like such a nice guy."

"Nice guy" He muttered under his breath to where I almost could barley hear it and smiled.

"Nobody's ever defined me as a "nice guy" they always just refer to me as the nerdy guy, nothing else to that just nerdy, because I live and breathe for video games."

I let out a small chuckle and covered my mouth for a second before I spoke again,  "I can understand to be honest, in high school all I ever was referred as was a geek with no life, I was always doing things such as building my own computer to designing my own little small games."

We kept this conversation going for around 5 more minutes before he looked at his phone.
He placed his phone back in his front pocket and looked back up at me with a smile.

"It was amazing seeing you again today, you're really nice I'd love to see you again."

"You too." I smiled back at him, he was always smiling and that was something new I'd ever seen from someone, usually the people I talked to just stared at me in blank expressions, but him, Mark, he managed to actually be that one different person, he seems really positive and always look on the brightside, meanwhile you have the pessimistic me that just wants the world to disappear beneath me at my lowest times.

He waved goodbye as he disappeared into the distance.

I began to walk back to my car, it was about 7pm right now and my roommate wants me to come back because she's throwing a small party with her boyfriends friends. It's supposed to be some video game competition thing, and honestly I would love to participate but I doubt they'd want me to do it because I'm a "girl" and "girls" don't have the quality to beat guys in a games.

*After 15 minutes of driving back to the apartment*

I closed the car door and sprinted up the stairs to the second floor where my apartment was located, I want to take a quick shower since I was sweating from this stupid warm weather.

I got into the shower and let the cold water hit me (since it was hot out I just needed the cold water to cool me down). It relaxed my tense muscles and lowered my heart rate.
I could hear the shouting of the guys as they were speaking in the living room, thank God we have thick walls or the neighbors would be pissed at all the loud shouting.

I quickly got my clothes on after I dried myself and headed out to the living room, my eyes landed on all the faces in the room as I scanned them, I usually remember people just by their facial features, I'm terrible at names, then I landed on the one person who I knew in the group of guys, (besides my roommates boyfriend), Mark.


Thank you so much for reading my second chapter ! Please tell me if you liked it! :)))

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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