Chapter 3

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sorry it's so short! I couldn't think of anything. Be ready for the party (aka Chapter 4), that's when you'll see the first Ziall kiss and you'll meet Harry!(:


I was walking through the halls and I couldn’t get what happened over the weekend out of my head. I’m 100% sure I heard Zayn say that Louis obviously knew something before I broke the door and flew to the ground. Damn that door. Out of all time I was trying to open it, it just had to open right when Louis and Zayn were having a serious conversation… about me.

While I was thinking this, someone rushed up to my left and wrapped their arm around my shoulder.

“NIALL!” Louis says joyfully.

“Oh, hey Louis” I say caught off guard.

“So Zayn and I are having a party tonight and I was wondering if you would like to come?”

“Um. Sure, I mean I might be busy but I’m not-“

“Okay, I’ll see you there!” Louis pats my back and runs off in the other direction.

Strangely I felt different, I’m not sure how. I didn’t feel scared; or angry. And I definitely didn’t feel sad. I felt some sort of happiness. I enter my next class and ignore my feelings.

When the final bell of the day rang I quickly ran to my car and drove home. When I got home I went up to my room, changed into sweatpants and grabbed my computer. I find myself watching random YouTube videos, when my phone buzzes.

I look over at my phone and see a message from none other than Zayn.

Zayn: Hey, you’re coming to the party right? It’s at 8.

Niall: Yeah, I think so.

Zayn: Good! It’s gunna be fun! Oh, and tell your parents you’re staying at Louis’ house because everyone’s gunna be drinking and we don’t want anyone to drink and drive.

What. I’m going to be sleeping over at Louis’ house? As childish as it sounds, I’ve never been to sleepover. Yeah, I’m in high school and this isn’t really considered a “sleepover” but I’m kinda excited to be honest.

Tonight is going to be my first party AND sleepover.

I smile.


“So you’re excited for Niall to come?” Louis asks with a smirk.

“Shut up you twat!” I grin and jokingly hit Louis.

“C’mon, you know you like him. Why don’t you just tell him?” He looks me in the eyes and asks seriously.

“Lou, me liking Niall is nothing like you and your ‘boy-toy’” I say with a sad tone.

“He’s not my boy-toy, he’s my boyfriend and his name is Harry,” He replies. “ And why don’t you just sit him down and talk to him. You know, one-on-one”

I couldn’t get Niall’s smiling face, and perfect little bum out of my head. He was perfect. He was.

“Zayn, tonight’s the night. He’s the only reason we’re having this party; so you can talk to him.”

“I know, I know. I really want to but I’m not sure if he’ll like me back” I frown.

“Are you serious? Zayn, it’s impossible not to like you!” Louis puts his hand on my shoulder and smiles into my eyes; a typical best friend moment between us.

“Zayn, let me be your wing man. I’ll take care of everything”

“Thanks man,” I reply wrapping my arm around him forcing him into a hug.

“All you have to do is trust me, is that so hard?” He asks.

“Well….” I say jokingly.

“Fuck off you dickhead!” He laughs pushing away from me.

We stared into each other’s eyes. His eyes were perfect. I wish I had them. All I could think of was his perfect hair, and smile, and personality. He’s a great catch and I’m glad he has someone who can make him happy other than just me because I can’t give him what he wants – sexually. Of course Louis and I don’t like each other, and we never will. I mean sure, we’ve kissed and made out and everything but we were just caught up in the moment. We’ve never had any feelings for each other, and never will. Louis was my best friend, and that’s all he’ll ever be.

“C’mon let’s go get ready” Louis nudges me, gets up, and walks into the kitchen.

I sit there for a few moments and finally tell myself something.

Tonight is the night I’m going to tell Niall that I like him.

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