Chapter 8

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*****so sorry for not updating for a long ass time. been stuff and im lazy. also i "updated" last night but put up the wrong chapter, i put up a chapter that was already up.. sorry about that!***


It wasn’t until 3 days later that I realized I no longer had a phone. I had been too caught up in my time with Zayn. The weekend was amazing. We basically just got to relax. Most of our day was spent either sleeping, eating, or swimming. We just chilled.

It was around 1 o’clock when I woke up on this cloudy, yet beautiful day.  I decided to skip school because I needed the extra day just to myself.

Getting up and walking to the bathroom, I think about what I need to do today. I definitely need to go to get a new phone and eat. I’ll probably go surprise Zayn at school too.

I turn on the shower, as hot as it could go, and step in. The heat burned my skin, but I liked it. I take around 40 minutes in the shower, mostly just standing there before I get out and dry off.

I dress myself, lazy. Grey sweatpants and a plain white v-neck. I walk out the door heading to the phone store to get my new phone when I notice something, a note on my car. I walk closer and read it.

Niall, I had an amazing weekend with you and hope to do it again.

Feel better.



As I finished reading the note I felt a smile on my face. I’ve fallen in love with this boy so quickly.

Maybe too quickly?

I push that thought out of my head and head to the phone store.


Sitting in study hall, I thought about my weekend with Niall. It was perfect, and I loved every second of it. My mum thinks that Niall and I are moving too fast, but that’s what happens when you’re in love. Right?

The bell rings and I am dismissed from class. I only have one hour left, math. I walk into class only to find out that we got new seats. The desks were paired in three, so I could only guess that we’re going to be in groups of three.

I find my seat and sit down, waiting for my new group member to arrive.

While I was looking through the pictures that Niall and I took this weekend, I saw Liam come sit down next to me.

“Ohhh, I see. Hey who do you think is our-“while I was about to ask him who our third partner was, a kid sits down next to me and Liam.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2014 ⏰

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