Chapter 1

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I’ve never really hated school. I’ve kind of just went along with it knowing that I needed it in life, or at least I was told. I never told anyone (mostly because no one asked) but I have a secret passion for science. I just love doing experiments and seeing it all in front of me.

I’ve heard my teacher, Mr. Boldman, is a really good teacher and makes class fun so I’m excited about that. I can’t wait for this year to start.

The bell rings and I sit down in a desk near the front corner. I (of course) am sitting alone, while everyone else has their friends next to them. It doesn’t really bother me, I prefer to be on my own because I don’t have to deal with other people’s opinions on things I do or don’t like.

The teacher starts of class with a big “Welcome 4th hour!” and class replies in a monotone voice “Hello”.

Right away Mr. Boldman takes attendance and starts explaining this year’s lab. Unfortunately, we have to work in partners, but to my luck he has already chosen them for us.

“Yes!” I whisper to myself.

“Okay, now I’m going to read off the groups of two” Mr. Boldman announces. He says about five groups until I hear my name.

“Niall Horan, you will be working with Zayn Malik”.

Shit. I thought I’d get a good partner, having all my Irish luck and all but no. I get stuck with a big-mouthed jock. Great…

I get up and walk towards him, and introduce myself.

“Hi, I’m Niall. Niall Horan”.

“Hey I’m Zayn”.

Mr. Boldman must’ve finished announcing the groups because he walks over to us and hands us our lab rubric and tells us to go over it together.

“Okay, so basically we’ll be studying bacteria and the different ways it grows in different environments,” I say partially quietly.

“Okay, sweet.” Zayn says with a smile.

This is the first time I’ve actually talked to and seen this “Zayn Malik” kid up close. He seems interested in this project, unlike how I thought he would react.

“We’ll be able to do a lot of the work at my house if that’s okay. My mum and sisters are usually gone” Zayn says somewhat confident.

“Yeah, okay, that’ll work” I reply.

We hear the bell ring Mr. Boldman start talking.

“Okay class, I’ll see you guys tomorrow, but we won’t have any more class time to work on this. I suggest you switch numbers with your partner to figure out times to work on this project”.

“Here’s my number,” Zayn quickly writes down his number and hands it to me, our hands touching a little. His hand was warm. Not just regular warm, but warm warm. The type of warm you get when you’re nervous.

I take it and put it in my pocket and leave the class.

Was Zayn actually nervous that his reputation would be ruined if he was seen talking to me? Of course that’s what he was worried about. I quickly got him out of my head and headed to my next class.


I touched him. I actually touched him. I couldn’t believe it. Ever since I saw him a few years ago when I bumped into him in the hallway I’ve had an instant crush on him. Of course, Louis and Liam didn’t know that Niall Horan was the guy I had a crush on; although they knew I had a crush on a guy but they just didn’t know who.

I leave the class and walk towards the cafeteria when I start to wonder if I came off too strong or too nice.

Did I come off pushy? Or even too excited ?

Every time I saw him I was nervous and couldn’t help but smile and try and act cool, which mostly resulted with me looking and acting like a total dick.

“Damn it,” I whisper to myself as I realize I could’ve totally just messed up my chances with the beautiful blonde Irish boy.

I walk into the large open area with windows and notice Liam and Louis sitting down at a table and walk towards them to join.

“So how’s everybody’s first day of this year going?” Liam asked with a smile.

“Great. Just great.” I say quietly, hoping only I would hear it. 

Partners (Ziall)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon