Licht: Truth

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At Tetsu's family resort...

Kuro: So relaxing and quiet...
Kuro: *groans* I spoke too soon
Hyde: Nii san!! There you are!!
Licht: Oi, baka nezumi!!
Hyde: What's up, Lichtan?
Licht: You jumped into the hot spring, didn't you?
Hyde: *panicking* W-what? N-no
Licht: Quit lying already!! There's water everywhere!! Someone could slip!!
Sakuya: *rubs his head* Ouch!!
Hyde: That's just Tsubaki's subclass, it doesn't count
Mahiru: *walks in and slips* Woah!! Why is the floor so slippery?
Kuro: Mahiru! Are you... *sees Mahiru's lips on Sakuya's* 😡😡
Sakuya: Um... Sloth?
Kuro: *angrily walks over and grabs Sakuya*
Sakuya: Don't hurt me!! It was an accident!!
Kuro: *ignores his pleas* Now, what should I do to you 😈?
Sakuya: Let me go!! *squirming* Tsubaki!!
Tsubaki: *tickles Kuro*
Kuro: What the...? Tsubaki, what are you *bursts out laughing*
Tsubaki: You have something that belongs to me, nii san... now let him go or I'll keep tickling you!!
Kuro: O-okay I-I'll l-let g-go of h-him!! J-just s-stop!! 😂😂 *drops Sakuya*
Sakuya: You could've been more gentle, you know!!
Kuro: *takes a deep breath* Don't ever do that again, Tsubaki!!
Tsubaki: That was pretty fun
Hyde: I want to go next!!
Kuro: *glares at Hyde*
Hyde: On second thought, never mind 😅😅
Mahiru: Wait... Kuro, did you laugh just now?
Kuro: *embarassed* I-I did not!!
Hyde: Yes you did, nii san!! It was so loud!!
Kuro: I-it was not!!
Tsubaki: So you admit that you were laughing, nii san!!
Kuro: 😡😡I was being tickled!! Everyone laughs when tickled!!
Jeje: Not me
Hyde: Yeah, we know. You're like a brick with arms.
Jeje: *offended* I am not 😡😡!!
Kuro: 😧😧 So much for peace and quiet...

After getting out of the hot springs...

Tetsu: Hey guys!! How was it?
Kuro: It was really relaxing until *points at Hyde, Tsubaki and Sakuya* they showed up
Hyde: Nii san laughed!!
Tetsu+Hugh: Really 😲?!
Mahiru: Yeah, he did. It was pretty cute...
Kuro: 😶 Mahiru... you're embarassing me... Mendokusē...
Hugh: I've never seen nii san laugh before... you guys are so lucky!!
Tsubaki: You could hear his laugh right now if you *whispers* tickle him
Hugh: Um, I'd rather not. I don't wanna die...
Tsubaki: I'll do it if you'd like me to
Hugh: *looks at Kuro* Um... you sure nii san won't try to kill you?
Tsubaki: I did it before...
Hugh: *thinking* Hmm... I do want to hear nii san's laugh so...
Tsubaki: *walks over to Kuro*
Kuro: *transforms* Oh hell no!! You aren't tickling me again!!
Tsubaki: Too bad, bro. Nii san transformed into a cat 🐱
Mahiru: Anyway, who's next?
Hyde: Next for what?
Mahiru: Truth or dare
Licht: I'll go
Mikuni: Truth or dare, Licht?
Licht: I'll answer a truth question this time
Mikuni: What do you hate about Hyde?
Licht: Pretty much everything. He doesn't have a single good point.
Sakuya: If that's true, then why do you like him?
Licht: I don't need to explain myself to a demon!!
Hyde: *crying* 😭😭
Mahiru: *notices Hyde's tears* Um... Licht?
Kuro: Mendokusē 😩... He's crying again...
Mikuni: You made your precious boyfriend cry, angel!!
Licht: *embarassed* He's not my boyfriend!!
Hyde: 😢😢 I'm not? Then, what am I to you?
Licht: You're my... partner, that's all...
Hyde: *looks at Licht* 😔 Oh. I see... *to Mahiru* I'll play truth or dare with you guys another time...I'm not really in the mood today... *transforms and walks through the door*
Mahiru: Licht, shouldn't you go with him?
Licht: He probably wants to be alone... I... hurt him pretty bad...
Mahiru: You said that he was just your partner. I think he wants more though...
Licht: More?
Kuro: You did kiss him a lot... people would instantly think you two were dating
Licht: I thought that was normal 😞...
Mahiru+Kuro: What?!
Misono: That's love, idiot!! You've just been toying with his feelings!!
Tsubaki: That's pretty messed up... even I wouldn't do that and I'm the most screwed up one!!
Licht: That's because I didn't realize until now that I...
Kuro: You what?
Licht: I really am in love with him. Oh god, what have I done? *grabs his things* I have to go!!
Mahiru: Good luck, Licht!!
Kuro: You're gonna need it...

Meanwhile at Licht's hotel room...

Hyde: 😭😭 Why, Lichtan? Why'd you say that? *tries to stop his tears but fails* I'm in love with you, goddammit!!
Door opens
Licht: Really, Hyde? You're in love with me?
Hyde: *nods* Yeah, but you obviously don't... *interrupted by a sudden kiss*
Licht: I'm sorry, Hyde. I... shouldn't have said those things. I just...
Hyde: Don't feel the same way 😔?
Licht: No, that's not it... I just realized my feelings
Hyde: Your feelings?
Licht: I've fallen in love with you, shit rat...
Hyde: 😀 Really? You're in love with me?
Licht: *kisses Hyde as a response* Will you go out with me?
Hyde: Yes!! Yes I will, Lichtan!! *gives a long passionate kiss*

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