Tetsu: Dare

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One month later...

Misono: Hey, Mahiru!!
Mahiru: Misono!! It's been a while!!
Misono: Yeah, it has!! So... have you heard from... *paused*
Mahiru: *shakes his head* No... I haven't seen him at all since...
Misono: Since our breakup?
Mahiru: Yeah. *spots someone running towards them* Wait, I think that's him!!
Misono: Oh, I suddenly remembered that I forgot to um... lock my door so... bye!! *runs off*
Tetsu: Big bro Mahiru!!
Mahiru: Tetsu!! How've you been?
Tetsu: Pretty good, I guess... Did I see Misono with you?
Mahiru: Yeah, but he suddenly left saying that he needed to lock his front door.
Tetsu: 😔 Oh. I was actually hoping that I could talk to him about something...
Mahiru: What is it?
Tetsu: I want to get back together with him...
Mahiru: 😀 Really?! You do?!
Tetsu: *nods* I've been thinking about it for a while...
Mahiru: What made you change your mind?
Tetsu: Nothing did. I never stopped loving him... I guess he'll never know that though...
Mahiru: He'll be at my place this afternoon. All you have to do is show up and I'll take care of the rest.
Tetsu: Hontōni?
Mahiru: Yep. It'll be fine. You and Misono will be going out again before you know it!!
Tetsu: Arigato, Mahiru!! I'll see you later!! *runs home*

Later in the afternoon...

Mahiru: *shakes Kuro* Wake up!! The guys will be here any minute!!
Kuro: *murmurs* Stop shaking me, Mahiru... You're being a pain...
Mahiru: I made ramen!!
Kuro: 😀 Ramen? Where?
Mahiru: It's on the table...
Kuro: *rushes out of bed and spots something on the table* RAMEN!!
Mahiru: Oi, Kuro!!
Kuro: So yummy 🍲!!
Mahiru: Don't eat too fast, Kuro!! You'll choke!!
Kuro: Hai hai, oka san!!
Mahiru: Don't call me mom!!
Mahiru: They're here!! *opens door*
Tetsu: Yo!!
Kuro: *slightly surprised* Onsen otoko?
Mahiru: I happened to bump into him earlier this morning so I invited him *closes the door*
Kuro: Does he know that Kisama chan is coming?
Tetsu: Yeah, I do...
Mahiru: Coming!! *opens door*
Misono: We're not late, are we?
Mahiru: Of course not. You're actually the second and third people to arrive...
Misono: Who's the first?
Lily: *spots Tetsu* Um... Misono?
Misono: *gasps* T-Tetsu Sendagaya?!
Tetsu: Ohisashiburidesune (long time no see) M-Misono...
Awkward silence
Misono: Um... so... how've you been?
Tetsu: Okay, I guess... You?
Misono: Same as you...
More awkward silence...
Mahiru: *looking at his watch*
Knock knock!!
Hyde: You gonna open this door or what? Lichtan almost tried to break it just now!!
Mahiru: Oh right!! *smacks forehead* More people are coming... *opens door*
Licht: What took you so damn... Tetsu?!
Tetsu: What's up guys?
Licht: God, we haven't seen you since last month!!
Hyde: What have you been doing?
Tetsu: Just the usual. Helping out at the resort, that's all...
Licht: That sounds pretty exhausting...
Tetsu: Tell me about it 😒. The people that have showing up have been very demanding lately. Anyway, I'm glad to be back here with you guys!!
Licht: Same here, believe it or not... I've been playing so many concerts that I hardly had time to relax or chill with friends.
Mahiru: Oh yeah. Tetsu, where's Hugh? Didn't he come with you?
Kuro: Also, why'd you bring your coffin?
Misono: 😨😨 *shaking* Y-you're n-not g-gonna t-throw that at m-me, are y-you?
Tetsu: *shakes his head* Hugh's sick so I had to put him in my coffin.
Misono: *sighs with relief*
Tetsu: Why would you think I would... (You know what, chibi?! You can just get the fuck out of my life!! *throws a glass cup*) Oh... that's why 😔...
Mahiru: Tetsu, it's okay. You were just angry that time...
Tetsu: I guess... but I almost...
Mahiru: It's fine, Tetsu. What's done is done...
Tetsu: *mumbles* Guess you wouldn't wanna get back together after how I treated you, huh?
Licht: Tetsu, did you just say something?
Tetsu: *flustered* I-It's n-nothing!!
Licht: Oh ok.
Mahiru: *looks at the door*
Kuro: Mahiru, are there more coming?
Mahiru: Um... Mikuni and Jeje said they might come and Sakuya...
Kuro: *getting angry* He's coming here, isn't he?
Mahiru: *nods* With Tsubaki...
Hyde: Why do you keep inviting those two?!
Licht: Hyde's got a point. Those two are our enemies so why are inviting them over your place all the time?
Mahiru: Sakuya's my friend and Tsubaki just tags along.
Misono: You mean you never actually invited Tsubaki?
Mahiru: I invited both of them the first time and only Sakuya the second time. Tsubaki just happened to show up that time...
Lily: Well, that makes sense. Can't believe we actually thought that you invited Tsubaki intentionally...
Knock knock!!
Sakuya: Hey, Mahiru!! Open the door!!
Mikuni: I'm getting really bored out here, kid!!
Misono: Sounds like Mikuni decided to show up after all...
Door opens
Mahiru: Mikuni, where's Jeje?
Mikuni: *points at a snake around his neck* He's right here!!
Jeje: *transforms* It was really cold outside so... I ended up transforming to my snake form...
Kuro: That still happens? I thought you got over that when you were little?
Jeje: I thought so too, but there was a strong gust of wind and... well you know...
Sakuya: So are you guys gonna go in already or block the entrance the whole time?
Kuro: I know what YOU can do: leave NOW!!
Mahiru: Kuro!! What's with you?! You've been so moody lately...
Kuro: I...I...don't know...
Hyde: *grabs Kuro* I'm gonna borrow him for a while, Mahiru.
Mahiru: Um... ok. *to Tetsu* Truth or dare?
Mikuni: Did you seriously invite us just to play truth or dare AGAIN?
Tetsu: Dare
Mahiru: Tell Misono how you really feel *winks 😉*
Misono: W-what?!
Tetsu: *whispers* This was your plan, Mahiru aniki?
Mahiru: It'll be okay, I promise!!
Tetsu: ...M-Misono, I...love you...
Misono: Hontōni?
Tetsu: Yes, really. I never stopped loving you....
Misono: *eyes light up*
Tetsu: But, if you don't want to be with me again, I completely...
Misono: *kisses Tetsu*
Tetsu: 😶😶
Misono: Of course I want to be with you!! I love you, Tetsu!! That's what I wanted to say that day...
Tetsu: *feeling guilty* And I wouldn't let you...
Misono: It's not your fault, it's mine. I shouldn't have... done that... even if I thought it was you...
Tetsu: *blushing* You thought that you were kissing me?
Misono: Yeah. But because of a fever, I didn't know who I was actually kissing. I'm sorry!!
Lily: It's my fault, Misono!! And I owe both of you an apology. I should've stopped you, Misono...
Misono: It's okay, Lily. I forgive you. After all, like Mahiru said, "What's done is done."
Mahiru: *nudges Tetsu with his elbow* Well, what are you waiting for?
Tetsu: Misono Alicein, will you go out with me... again?
Misono: Of course I will!! *happily kisses Tetsu*
Licht: They look so cute together. I know Hyde would go crazy for sure if he saw this...
Lily: What's taking them so long?
Mahiru: I don't know. I'll go look for them.
Licht: (Mahiru can't find out about this... ever!!) Um... Mahiru. Why don't you stay here? I'll look for the shit rat and Kuro!!
Mahiru: Okay. Thanks ☺!!
Licht: *walks out the door*

The Tetsono ship has sailed once again!!

The Tetsono ship has sailed once again!!

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