Chapter 10

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“…y ahora nosotros entrar Mexico City!”

Over the previous days I had done some reflecting on my life, and I discovered that I really, really hate perky people. Even though the tour guide (if you could even call her that sense the few times we did leave the bus we’d split up) was just doing her job, I couldn’t help the desire to want to rip her throat out. Thanks to her high pitched, loud, migraine causing voice, I hadn’t been able to do anything but plan her death. And I had gotten very creative.

Five days. Five days of sitting in-between Willow (and her obnoxious snoring) and Kit (with her constant singing to anything that came on the radio).  Five days of sitting right behind three teenage guys and having to listen to every word that came out of their mouths. Five days of having the little kid behind me kicking my chair and sneezing in my hair. Five days.

Money wasn’t something we were abundant on, so to save money we were going on a plane belonging to the sibling of some demi-gods back at camp. In order to get there we had to take a tour guide bus down the Pan American highway, and though some of the sights were great, the bus ride itself had been pure torture. But we were finally in Mexico City, where our plane would be waiting.

“Nosotros parar en las tiendas, y puedes ir a los lugares que desea ver. Si usted está continuando la gira regresará en dos horas!”

“I really should have paid more attention in Spanish class… Kit?” I looked over to where she sat, closest to the isle.

She rubbed her temples looking extremely tired and irritable. “They’re dropping us of at some stores. The rest didn’t really apply to us…”

James leaned back from his window seat ahead of us, popping his back and flicking Willow on the nose. “Our plane leaves in an hour. It’s not too far from here so I figure we can get something to eat or drink, then we can just walk there and stretch our legs out a bit.”

“Sounds good, anything to avoid more public transportation, this has been enough to last me a life time.” I said through gritted teeth as I felt another kick from behind me.

Willow slapped James’ hand away as he tried to flick her again. “It wasn’t that bad, I practically slept through it all.”

“We know.” Ryan, James, Eryx, Kit, and I said in unison.

Ryan rubbed his hands together. “I don’t know about you guys but Nachos sound perfect.”

Kit rolled her eyes. “You’re only saying that because we’re in Mexico.”

“Yeah and we’ve been in Mexico for over a day now, still no nachos!”

I shook my head. “Tacos are way better than nachos, why would you set your mind on them?”

“Cause they’re gooey and delicious and I want some!”

Willow frowned. “But Tacos have more flavors. Tomato, fancier meat, lettuce, peppers, and whatever sauces the maker serves with it.”

We all stood as the bus came to a stop in front of a square full of people and stores. Ryan continued talking as we made our way out. “Nachos can have all of that and more! Not to menion tacos are messier, there’s always sauces dripping out of them. Nachos you can just have one chip at a time with the amount of condiments you choose. Nachos beat tacos.”

I took Kits stretched out hand as she helped me out of the bus (I had mainly healed from Hera’s attack, jumping was just a bad idea for now). “Spoken like a true idiot, Ryan.” I muttered.

Once we were all grouped up on the side walk Eryx spoke. “Nachos sound pretty good right now, actually.”

Willow stomped a foot in anger. “But there’s a taco truck right there! If we go to a restaurant for nachos you run the risk of them figuring out Ryan’s credit card is a fake!”

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