Chapter 3

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"Ok, so because I got past the tree outside of camp that used to be a person but is now an immortal hunter-thing, it means I'm a for sure demi-god."

Willow and I had been walking around the camp as she explained everything to me. Though admittedly, half of the time she was showing me just the right spots to sneak out to after curfew. Once she had shown me all the sights we had started walking to the Hermes cabin where I would be staying the night and she was still filing me in on... well everything.

"Well mostly, but over the years there have been a few exceptions, and Thalia is the tree-girl's name."

I nodded. "So who's your parent? Or godly parent..."

She frowned her bubbly attitude lessening. "I don't know. I've live here my whole life- literally when I was four months old. But they never claimed me. I think it might be Apollo though, because I'm pretty good with a bow and arrow."

My jaw dropped and I froze. "They can just do that!? That's terrible! Those stupid, moth-"

Willow's hand clamped over my mouth and for the first time her face looked serious. "Don't curse the gods, unless you're really important, you may get struck by lightning." She took her hand from my face and smiled trying to lift the mood. "Anyways, this Poseidon kid, Percy Jackson, made a deal with the gods a few years back that they HAD to claim all of their kids. And almost all the kids were claimed. Everyone but me. But on the upside you and your friend Kit can bunk next to me in the Hermes cabin."

I could tell the topic with touchy with her so I decided to change the subject. "So this Percy kid must have been a big-shot."

She stood up straighter and nodded furiously. "He's the most famous demi-god yet. He was a main part in two great prophesies and survived a trip to Tartarus. He still stops by sometimes to see some old friends who ended up being councilors. He lives with his fiancé, Annabeth, not too far from here."

"Annabeth Chase the architect!" She gave me a shocked look. "My dad's an architect, so I know a lot about it."

She kept the look up. "You... of all people are an architect nerd?"

I laughed seeing her confusion. "No, no, no, I hate architecture. I just spend way too much time with my dad. Architecture is nowhere near my future."

She nodded. "Got it. OH! LOOK! That's our councilor for the Hermes cabin, Connor Stole. CONNOR OVER HERE! I HAVE A NEW GIRL!!... I'M OVER HERE SMART ONE... NO TURN TO YOUR RIGHT... YOUR OTHER RIGHT... MORE... YES OVER HERE!"

By the time she was done directing him we were already right in front of him. "Hey I'm Connor, the cool counselor. If you ever need anything that you're not supposed to have in camp, than just come to me. And don't tell Chiron or Mr.D I said that. But anyways you guys go ahead to dinner I'll set up one bed next to Willow's"

"Two beds, my friend is here too." I said. "She's Eryx's sister."

He winced. "The creepy Hades kid? I feel sorry for the poor girl. But anyways, you two go to dinner."

Before i could question him Willow, again dragged me off.


"Why did Connor get all weird when I mentioned Eryx?" I asked Willow. Kit still hadn't shown up for dinner yet.

She shook her head. "He doesn't have the best reputation. He gets in trouble all of the time, he has creepy powers, and generally Hades kids just don't fit in." She shrugged.

Just then Kit came rushing in. she looked kind of stressed and her hair was messy. She looked around for a few seconds before she spotted me and came to sit down.

"Hey Ari, hey...umm..."

"Willow this is Kit, Kit this is Willow." I introduced using hand gestures.

"Hi! I'm Willow! Your eyes look cool; they're like a brown-green! That's so cool! We gonna best awesome friends! I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING! There're three of us just like the three musketeers! That's s-"

"Hey Willow your crazy is showing." I joked.

She gave me a fake mad look. "Guuurrrl! You did not just say that!"

Kit and I cracked up. Trying to calm my giggles I took a large sip of my coffee. I know coffee again- but who doesn't like it!?

After we ate Kit grabbed my elbow. "I need to tell you something before the campfire."

I nodded seeing her seriousness. We told Willow that we'd meet her up and began walking away. Once we were sure we were alone, she turned to me.

"You would never believe what they told me!" she shriek-whispered.

"Kit we are in a camp for kids that have gods for parents and are students there. I think I'll believe anything you tell me."

She rolled her eyes at me but continued on. "I'm part of a quest that'll happen soon!"

My eyes widened. "What!?"

She nodded. "The oracle says we have to find the rest of the six demi-gods that need to go on it. We already have the first four, Eryx, his friend Ryan, this Athena guy named James and me. We still need the other two. The daughter of Zeus- they think it might be this hunter girl named Thalia and are trying to contact her. We also need 'The one who was not supposed to happen and has no name.' I don't understand that one though."

"What are you doing on the quest? When are you leaving for it?" I asked my worked slurred together a bit because I was talking so fast.

She sighed. "Well we're leaving as soon as we figure out who the other two demi-gods who need to go are. And we're looking for Pandora."

I raised my eyebrow. "You're looking for a music website? I can find that for you."

She rolled her eyes at me. I've noticed people do that a lot when they talked to me. I wonder why... "Not Pandora as in Pandora's Box, Epimetheus' wife. The one from Greek mythology."

I blinked. "Why do you need to find her? Wait isn't she dead?"

Kit shrugged. "Well Epimetheus was a Titan; he could have done something to make her immortal, or brought her back somehow. And we don't know exactly why we need to find her, the oracle just said that it was really important and we needed to do it really soon."

I frowned. "Why do you get to go do dangerous fun stuff!? That's my job!"

She chuckled and started to cough. That's when I had noticed a lot of smoke coming from behind us. Once Kit regained her composure she straightened up. "Come on, Campfire already started."

When we got to the camp fire Willow had saved us both a seat, I could see Eryx across from us talking with a guy that had black hair, dark brown eyes and very tan skin.

Campfire had been great- though Kit and I were practically glued to Willow's side because it was our first time. But then half way through it everything took a sharp turn downhill.

I didn't notice it at first. I don't think I would have noticed it at all if it weren't for the fact everyone started staring and gasping at the area right above my head. Even Willow and Kit seemed shocked.

Confused I looked up. Right above me we a bright blue bolt of lightning- just hovering there above me, not quiet touching me. I had been claimed.

Across from me Eryx whistled. "Princess you just keep becoming less irrelevant."

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