Chapter 15

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It had taken us a whole hour to outrun the wild women, fighting as we went along. It had been a long and vicious battle but we eventually lost sight of them. Even so we had planned to continue running for an extra hour. Only half an hour after after we had outrun them, we found ourselves at the steps of Machu Picchu.

After a quick glance around our group it became obvious we couldn't go into battle that night. This ended up with us camping out in front of the steps a Machu Picchu.

James wasn't the best of warriors and had been sliced and diced mercilessly at the hands of the savage women, he slept in blood soaked cloths next to Kit. He fought hard and managed to keep up most of the way before Eryx had to pick him up over the shoulder. James took the first of the five pieces of ambrosia.

Willow had taken the second one. She was a great warrior and with her ability to move faster and punch harder, she took many down. But her weapon (the bow) was long distance, so when they got too close the only thing she could do to defend herself was to throw a few punches. This caused her to get many smaller wounds, and one shallow stab to the collar bone, thankfully not landing at the heart (where it had been intended to go).

Eryx and I had noticed James and Willows struggles ran at their sides to get those who came to close. Eryx had a few cuts but most who crossed blades with him were on the ground in seconds, the real problem was his leg. By the end of the run his small limp had turned into a bad sprain, possibly a break. Carrying James definitely had not helped the problem, and in the end he had taken the third piece of ambrosia.

Ryan didn't have the scratch on him, being that he was the best warrior out of us. But when fighting he had kept particularly close to Kit (even though she had been fighting like a pro) and killed most anyone who came their way. In fact he had to have fought twice the people than anyone in our group. By the time we got to the steps he had fallen to the ground in exhaustion.

Kit was the only one of us that wasn't wounded or fainting. This being so she was the one to set up camp, hunt a wild bore, cook it, and force it down everyone's throats (excluding James whom couldn't keep it down).

I had fought fairly well, if I do say so myself. Though I'm sure if it weren't for my newfound grace I would've tripped of every root and rock in that jungle, I probably would've been in worse shape than even James. But I kept up with everyone and took down more than all but Ryan and Eryx (whom I was then convinced had been dipped in a toxic waste bin because of how amazingly they fought). But I still ended up a collage of cuts and slashes, the real problem being when one not only stabbed my thigh but fell over when doing so causing a large and deep gash going down in. I had been offered some ambrosia but, remembering the night I jumped out a tree (ending up pretty much breaking myself) and recalling how I ended up fine after a good nights rest in a tree, I declined. So that's how I ended ten feet up the steps of Machu Picchu to sleep.

"Kit just sleep." I said annoyance laced into my voice.

The others had passed out quickly considering their rough states. Only Kit and I stayed awake, me because of my inability to ever fall asleep, Kit because she was stubborn.

"But what if something happens?" She yelled up to me her voice groggy.

I rolled my eyes even though it went unseen. "I told you already Eryx and I were both asleep in the jungle - animals don't go near Machu Picchu and nothing god like has messed with us yet."

"You weren't this close by it before!!" She complained

I sighed. "Kit?"


"Shut up and go to bed. Now."

It was more the fact that she was already on the brink of passing out than me intimidating her, but she finally fell asleep.

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