Chapter 5 The Secret Is Out✔

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Ellie's POV

It was Monday. The day I most dread. Cause of school.

But in other news, my stepbrother is my boyfriend.

I'll admit, its gonna be hard for me to pretend I don't have a boyfriend. Especially cause its Jack. I really don't want to hide out relationship but we really have no choice.

I woke up and Jack was still asleep. I decided to get dressed and if he's still asleep then I'll give him a wake up call.

To my surprise, as I come out of the restroom Jack is already dressed to.

"Hey gorgeous" he says smiling at me and making me blush.

"Hey handsome" I say. I go up to him and kiss him.

"I really don't feel like going to school" I said.

"Oh well, we'll have to deal with it" he said laughing. I playfully punched him in the arm and we went to school.

When we got there, Mack had texted me that she was sick so she wouldn't go to school. And I guess Owen is sick to since Jack also got a message. But it means I have my secret boyfriend to myself today.

Jack suddenly took my hand at took me to a place where there wasn't many people.

"I just want to give my girlfriend a goodbye kiss before we get to class"

"Aw Jack. That's sweet" I kissed him. At first it was just gonna last a few seconds. But we kept kissing. We were interrupted when the bell rang and I hear a noise.

"Did you hear that?" I asked.

"What?" he questioned.

"Thought I heard someone" I told him.

"El, its probably someone on their way to class. The bell just rang and besides no one really comes through this part of the halls" he said.

"Yeah you're right. Bye"


We hugged and headed of to class.

Aspen's POV
(in the movie Aspen is a girl who doesn't like Ellie).

I cant believed what I just saw! Jack kissing Ellie! But their parents got married! Just wait. Im going to tell everyone. This is what they get.

Jack's POV

Its finally lunch. Yay.

As I walked down to the cafeteria, I saw El so I caught up with her and we sat down.

"How was physics?" I asked her knowing its not her best subject.

"Not so bad" she answered.

As I was about to say something I got interrupted

"Attention everyone!"

It was Aspen. Ugh, what does she want?

"I have something important to say! Jack and Ellie are boyfriend and girlfriend!"

My mouth dropped and so did Ellie's. How does she know? Alright calm down Jack, she doesn't have proof.

"And I have proof!"

Of course.

She showed and posted a picture of me and El kissing. When she finished her announcement everyone was giving us all kinds of looks. And I could hear people whispering not so pleasant things about El and me.

Suddenly, El ran towards the school doors crying.

"El wait!" I called.

Damn she runs fast! Fortunately, so do I. I caught up to her and saw that she was crying really hard. Her face was red and puffy.

"Hey hey" I said wiping her tears. "Its ok. We're gonna get through this"

"How Jack? That picture is online. Anyone can see it" she said.

"Look, lets just go home and figure this whole thing out" I suggested.

She slowly nodded. I put my arm around her and we walked home in a comfortable silence.

As we walked in the door, we were greeted by our parents and my brothers.

"What is the meaning of this?!" my dad asked showing me his phone with the picture on the screen.

"Dad let us explain..." I started.

"Explain what?! That you and your new sister are together?!" he exclaimed cutting me of.

"But we cant help it" El said. "Mom..."

"No El. Not a word" she told her.

"We'll work this out I promise" I said.

"Me and your mother already did" dad said.

"What?" El and I asked.

"Ellie, you are going to boarding school"

"What?!" we both yelled.

"Look, we thought that you both needed some time apart" Strycker said trying to rationalize.

"We told them to just keep y'all in different rooms" Gunner added.

"But we put the foot down. Ellie next week your starting boarding school end of discussion" Mom said.

"But..." she started.

"End of discussion!" she yelled.

Ellie went crying to the room and I followed her. I closed the door and hugged her real tight.

"Jack what are we gonna do? Their gonna separate us" she asked.

"I don't think there's anything we can do" I told her.

"Are we... breaking up?" she asked.

"No" I answered almost immediately. "But I will think about you everyday and y'all get your phones at the end of Friday, I'll call you and make the best of each minute" I said.

She smiled at that.

"I would love that very much" she said. We kissed one more time and I let her rest. Its gonna be hard. But we'll get through it. I know we will.

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