Chapter 9 The Divorce✔

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Jack's POV

I got home super excited. This weekend I'm going to see Ellie. It's been 2 months since what happened and I guess we're doing pretty good.

We didn't tell our parents cause then it will just be a whole lot questions.

As I was packing my bag, my parents called me down stairs.

"Yeah what's up?" I asked.

"Son we already talked to your brothers about this" my dad started.

"Yeah go on" I said.

"Well things haven't really been working out with your mom and me so, long story short, we're getting a divorce" my dad said.

I was speechless.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Well it's just that we feel the spark is gone and we don't want to keep each other from the world" my mom said.

I didn't know what how to react. On one hand I was kinda sad. I thought my dad had found love again but it looks like it didn't work out and I got along with my new mom. On the other hand this would mean El and me wouldn't be siblings anymore. This would make it easier for us to finally be together without having to hide the fact that we're somehow related.

"Um ok. Uh I honestly don't know what to say" I told them.

"Well don't. We'll take you to visit El and after you come back we'll talk about it" mom said.

"Yeah sure" I said.

We got to the car and they dropped me off by the entrance. I guess I should tell El about the planned divorce.

I wonder what her reaction will be.

Ellie's POV

Im in my room in some comfortable clothes and playing Headbandz with Ashley. She's actually really good at this game.

"Ok am I something you can eat?" she asked.

"Yep" I answered.

"Am I a vegetable?"


"Am I a candy?"



"Yes! You got it again!" I said putting another tally mark under her name on a sheet of paper. "Ok the score is now 14 to 10 in your favor obviously" I said. We both laughed a little. Then I heard a knock on my door.

"Jack!" I exclaimed.

I got off the bed and and went to the door. I opened it and it revealed Jack.

"Hey Ellie" he said pulling me into a hug.

"Hey Jack" I said hugging back.

"Hey Ash" he said waving at her.

"Heyo Jack" she said waving back.

"Hey I have some news to tell you" Jack told me.

"Oh ok. Is it ok if Ashley hears it to or should she leave?" I asked.

"I think I should leave" she said getting up.

"No its alright she can stay" Jack said. "Ok so, before I came here. Our parents talked to me" he said sitting me down on the bed and Ashley sat beside me.

"And they said that they were getting a divorce" he said.

I honestly didn't know how to react.

"Um well on one hand I was kinda glad my mom got married again. But on the the other hand, well you know, us. What would that mean for our relationship?" I asked.

"Well it could mean that we can finally be together without having to worry about anything" Jack stated taking my hands.

I thought about it and he was right. This could mean that we could look towards our future together.

I smiled and looked at him.

"Yeah. Your right" we both stood up and kissed each other.

"Aww y'all are so cute. I'm so happy for you 2" Ashley said and we all had a small group hug.

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