Chapter One

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Author's Note: I'm so sorry about not updating - college and anime have been in the way! But  huge thanks to my first reviewer for pestering me to update without who I probably wouldn't have updated. So thank you:)

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Diaries. All rights go to L.J Smith and the writers and producers of the television adaptation. In no way am I profiting off of any of this.

There was no light. No sound except the night sounds of insects and a nearby running stream of water.
It was night.

The world covered in endless darkness. She could see barely the gentle moonlight lightening her surroundings.

She thanked herself for wearing long sleeves as the temperature wasn't the warmest.

She knew the spell Bonnie made worked. She obviously wasn't with Bonnie and she didn't recognize her surroundings. Although that didn't mean the spell worked necessarily.

She made a quick sweep of her surroundings all she saw were several trees and she no doubt was lost.

Standing in one place wasn't going to help her so with her mind set and decided she took a step in a direction hoping to find a road or something that would lead her to civilization.


Hearing the cracks of branches on the ground and the rustling of the leaves upon the trees made her feel somewhat uncomfortable.

Here she was.....letting Bonnie talk her into going back into the past to stop the Originals in their plans. It's not like they had any better plans at the time.

Although she didn't fight Bonnie on it she was all for the idea. Yet she didn't think to consider her feelings once she was back in the past. Of all the people she was leaving behind to fulfill some greater destiny.

She made distance as she could see some lights in the far distance.  It wasn't a street but it was something. And she would take that something. It was better then nothing and walking around aimlessly.

Walking up nearer to the source of the light she was awestruck by a pyre lit on fire as laughs started to fill the silent air.

Noticing for the first time she wasn't exactly alone, yet looking at her current attire and having second thoughts.

Her modern clothes weren't what the others were wearing. Obviously this was some sort of gathering many of the women wore older dresses that covered their body from head to toe and their hair were all done up. It was all like a play with the mid-evil type of dress.

Deciding to stay where she was to not arise suspicion. She had no idea how she would do things. She was in the past so she had to be careful to not change things that shouldn't be changed.

Although, she was shocked to see the very reason she was sent back.

The originals were gathered here.

And apparently they were still human.

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