Elementary School

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Elementary school wasn't too good for Alex. Her teachers treated her like garbage. The other kids had the coldest of hearts. Her mom got married to another man that wasn't her father. Let's just say it was a glimpse into the hell that was her future.

First grade wasn't too bad at first she was still upset about the loss of her dad, but that was all the worry she had at first. She was all happy until one day her mom brought home a man that wasn't her father. Alex was angry at first. She ignored her mom for a month. It took three months for her to eventually warm up to the new man but she refused to call him her dad. There was a boy in her grade who had just lost his mom and Alex and him always used to plan for their parents to get together. His name was Ben and I guess you could say they were best friends. Ben and Alex would always hang out for hours on end.

Then came second grade. That's when a boy named Justin started at their school. Ben would always put in the extra effort to hang out with Justin. He would ditch Alex for him. Eventually Ben started ignoring Alex leaving her all alone. She didn't hang out with many girls because they all thought she 'acted like a boy.' One day a girl moved to her school who would also get ignored for 'acting like a boy' her name was Danya and they were inseparable. School usually sucked for Alex until Danya showed up. Danya made Alex happy which was good for Alex considering what was happening at home was in no way making Alex happy. She was forced to leave her home and to move to a small town with this guy her mom was dating. She still hadn't called him dad yet.

Third grade went by in a flash. School was good with Danya by her side. Alex didn't have to change schools but they would have to drive an hour into school every morning. And most importantly her moms boyfriend was actually warming up to her. He seemed really nice and Alex liked that but she still wouldn't call him dad yet.

Now fourth grade was a different story. Danya moved to a totally different country and stranded Alex all alone at the hell hole of an elementary school. She didn't have a best friend anymore. No one sat next to her at lunch. Ben would ignore her still. Her mom was getting MARRIED to this new guy who she still didn't accept as her dad. She hated life.

Fifth grade wasn't much better. She would eat lunch in a different place then everyone to avoid the loud noise of the cafeteria. She was just hoping that she could soon get out of this school that she hated. Her mom and her step-dad got married and it took her moms tears of happiness to finally call her step-dad her father. When graduation came around she was so happy to leave she honestly couldn't wait till middle school.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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