Chapter 1: Sinner Gathering

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                                             Noon, Underground. Deeply Underground.

Hits took place near the flames of burning fire. A mixed creature, viewed to be sitting on a throne. This figure was half horse and half human-angel. Horns that curved was displayed on the creature's head. He watched the sinners work their butts off, building and shaping up his desirable place. His lurking smile grew in the pleasure of seeing the sinners in pain. Oh, but soon... he stopped them by a gesture. All the sinners was told to stop, which they did. They stared at this... mixed creature. "As much as it's fun to watch my peasants work, I have to stop you because I have news."

The sinners gazed at each other and back at their mixed creature ruler. One sinner spoke freely, "What news that one must bring to us? Another torture? Or a surprise work of devils?"

The creature glared at this peasant. "Who are you to speak like that towards me, Peasant? I see you want to go back to the 90-day Pit of Forbidden." His long sharp nails clicked on the arm of his throne.

"No. I just stand out." They stated blankly in bravery.

"Such nerves, Peasant." The creature said. "Oh well, as I was saying.. The news is,.. YOUR ALL GONNA DIE TONIGHT!" He laughed maniacally.

All the peasants faulted that free speaker. That idea the creature had wasn't the real news, it was only for a scare, of course. The free speaker didn't really care.

"Oh, come on! Cheer up! Your already dead anyways so it makes no differ." The creature threw his right arm up, leaning back into the throne with a big smile.

The peasants didn't crack a smile. They had enough ''deaths''. One rose a hand to be heard from the crowd.

The creature flicked a finger as a sign to speak.

"Lord, Sir, this may seem out of place.. but.. why should we die for one's mistake? We're all innocent except one. Please, sozo us. I beg of you." It was a shy little girl. She spoke with little confidence.

"Sozo you all? Let me ask you this, child.. aren't you all the same?" The creature stated.

"Well.. yes.." She fixed her hair the got in her eyes.

"Okay then.. you won't be sozo." He bent his right wrist.

"Lord.. please.." The child begged more. She placed her hands into a prayer position, not the angel way of course.

"I'll think about it. Now, don't pester me any longer about it." The creature gestured for them to go back to work.

The peasants got back to work. They all hoped that they'll be sozo.

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