Chapter 3: Sin Celebration

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                                                       Mid - Noon. The after hour of Hell.

Every Sinner knows what today is. They just don't bother on being flashy of the event that's taking place later on today. Honestly, they just don't care. Sinner to sinner, said it once and they'll say it again, ''These celebrations are not for thee. It is for thy Great Lucifer''. Their actually fed up with all the nonsense parties even though that's the only breaks they have. Often, Lord Lucifer would force them to take part of these events. Other times, he just kill them off or let them be. If, he's in the mood for any of it.

Lucifer assembled his peasants once again. His voice roared throughout Hell. "Greetings, Peasants. I hope you know what today is." He stitched a wicked smile across his face, circling his head.

"Yes, Lord Lucifer. We know." A peasant answered tiredly. Their bones were skinny, fragile body and seem to die very easily.

"Good. Since you all know, you'll be partying with me... some of you. I'll select a few." Lucifer tapped his throne's arm. "Also, you all will party. Or else."

"Okay. We will, Lord Lucifer." Another peasant spoke.

"Splendid. All females also has to wear a appealing flashy outfit. Males, I don't care what you wear. That includes children." Lucifer eyed a female peasant thirstily. He refocused to everyone. "That is all."

The Peasants nodded. The female didn't realize the eye Lucifer gave her so she just went back to work like everyone else did. "Yes, Lord Lucifer." They all said before completely out distance.

Each and every Sinner tried hard to finish the masterpiece of Lucifer. Unfortunately, it couldn't be finished because of all the unneeded assembles. Most the time, not all the peasants gather to the assembly. That way the work can be finished. The peasants took turns going and coming, that's how it worked in order to have a little rest for everyone. That's how things run around here. Such of a Devil doesn't even know about this.

Sinners also often roam alone in groups. Two's, three's, four's... name the number, they roam by. Well, that's when their ordered to do something or on a secret break that's not by schedule. Whenever they got caught, off with their heads.. no, that was wrong. It was off with their arms and legs. Then, fed to the Hellhounds. The Devil can be brutal than you think he is.

Anyways, enough of this wicked fool.. let's focus on these Peasant Sinners some more.

A peasant, name of a weird one in fact,.. Rulferd, was their name.  He was the one who always handles the schedules and the children. His voice was deep and semi-loud. Rulferd would speak in a quiet tone. "Sinners of Man, attention please. I've found a way we can work and earn our freedom. For the children, as well. I just need your help."

The sinners gave attention, drawn to what Rulferd has to say. One, outspoken with curiousness. "What is that exactly, Rul?" That's what they call him. He first hated it but grew to like it at some point.

"Eventually, Lord Lucifer will find out what we're doing. And when we do, it's straight for the tigers or worse.. So, I thought that why should the children suffer the most? We can let them play sick and make sure they get proper rest. And as for us.. we can probably fake a real injury that lasts up to a week or so." Rulferd said. He was one of the brains of this place. That's why he deals with the important stuff and has a pardoned life.

"And you sure this'll work?" The same sinner spoke. Many peasants spoke for each other.

"Yes, I'm positive, Leonardo." Rulferd wasn't all that sure. But, he was sure that this was a deliberate plan. His eyes gazed on something to write on. He picked the item up and started writing. Rulferd passed it around, making sure his real idea didn't fail.

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