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Prologue: POV Emilie August
I thought it was love at first sight.

He was born with the gift of popularity, brilliance and humor. His hair and glasses made me giggle every time I saw him. He smelled like sweat with a hint of beef jerky, but I wouldn't have him any other way. I was naive, quiet and the nerdiest girl ever. Literally the stereotypical high school geek, inch-thick glasses and all. Being president of the sci-fi club and an avid watcher of Doctor Who, there was nothing I wanted more than to be popular.

He noticed me at homecoming, although slightly intoxicated, and swept me off my feet. I lost my first kiss to the boy of my dreams, but I was a mistake to him. At 17, he broke my heart. I found him making out with the lead cheerleader who had always hated my guts. He made me feel worthless. Suddenly, the world became a black and white film, and the call of the blade drew me close. My parents began to get worried. My free time was spent in bed sobbing and holding the razor sharp blade of a swiss army knife to my pale arm. My grades were going down hill and I became more estranged from my friends than ever.

If life was a river, I was already far below the surface.

It's funny telling people that I was saved by an internet idol.

While clicking through the internet, I found Jacksepticeye. He was 18 and saw the world through a whole new lense. He was my life preserver, floating me and my broken heart slowly back to the surface. Life began to get a little better at the sound of his voice. From that day on, I would dream of meeting him. Scribbles of him covering every sketchbook, every assignment , every piece of paper. Traces of him working their way into my everyday life. BOOPER DOOPER! I would shout, earning me odd stares from my peers.

Someday I would tell him my story, how he saved me from the temptation of self harm, how he had sewn my heart back together one video at a time.


Song: Youth - Troye Sivan

Snow Day - A Jacksepticeye FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now