Cold and Pain

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Chapter 3 POV Emilie August
I keep my eyes closed. I'm afraid of what I'll see. All I know now is pain and cold. I can feel the partially snow covered ground against my cheek. Was I thrown from the car? I think to myself.
I open my eyes.
It's light out now. The deflated tire of the CRV is only inches from my face. The smell of rubber and smoke fill my nose. I'm covered in a layer of freshly fallen snow. I flutter my eyelids to shake the snowflakes from my eyes. Dried blood from my cuts and scrapes surround me like a halo. How long have I been laying here?
That's when I hear it. Dog-like panting. Unimaginable feet trekking through the extremely uncommon irish snow. The sound of something living. Oh god. Someone's coming! I try to turn so I can see who's charging through the snow, but everything below my shoulders is numb.
"Oh my god, a-are you... don't worry i'm calling the ... aaah just stay there!" coughs a voice. It sounds flustered and very, very irish. Definitely a young man. It was very familiar but I don't know where from.
"Help." is the only thing I can manage to croak, the edges of my vision have started to darken. I hear something crack.
"Fuck!" The voice yells "My phone's dead! Don't worry i've got you!" Suddenly a pair of worn high tops are right in my face. The hooded figure gently picks me up, trying his best to console me. He smells like dryer sheets with a hint of mint. His breaths rush across my face in quick, warm bursts. The way he's holding me, wedding style, makes all my injuries hurt worse. I yelp.
"I'm so sorry!" he pants, sending a warm cloud of coffee scented air into my nose. He continues to hold me the same way and just begins to walk faster. My wounds reopen and the crimson ooze begins to drip onto his black hoodie. His muscles tense, I know he can feel the terrible sensation.
Suddenly, a piece of green hair peeks out from the hood for just a moment. I suddenly recognize who this man is, but I have to make sure. It's been awhile since I've seen him, with work and all. But, With my last bit of energy, I grab a handful of black fleece and pull. A familiar pair of piercing blue eyes meet mine. We both blush instantly. My mouth hung open as if all the tendons keeping it shut had simply given up. I feel my whole body begin to shake harder.

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