Hello Granddaughter, goodbye

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Cora POV:
This will not happen! I will not let it! I pace as Regina lets out another cry and scream. The physician tells her one more push, she pants, gathering strength. If anyone finds out about this Regina will never marry Lepold. He won't have her. I turn around as I hear the cry of an infant, the physician hands me the child, it's a girl. She looks up at me, big blue eyes. She looks like Daniel, if Snow sees the child she will tell her father, I look away from.the child. Regina passed out, and I have made a decision. I walk away and pull the magic bean from my pocket of my dress I walk to the well and drop it the portal opens. I look down at the child.
" You can't understand now my dear granddaughter, but one day you will understand. I will come back for you, until then I have the perfect mother for you." I feel a tear leak from my eye. She starts to cry, as I set her through the portal. And it closes, my tears flow.

Hours later
I go back to Regina, she looks at me desperation in her eyes.
" Mother? Where is she? Where's my daughter?" Her voice cracks. I look at her and she looks back to me in understanding. And begins to weep for the child she thinks dead. I turn and walk away, I hear her scream out on anguish as I put a hand on my heart. One day I will find you, my precious granddaughter.

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