two // the assignment

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'You know I love you, I've loved you since the day we met. You make me happy Riles, and I want you to be mine forever'.

I can't believe this is happening. Maya loves me back, this is the happiest moment of my life.

She grabs my face and looks into my eyes. 'Can I?'

I nod and she leans in slowly and gives me the sweetest smile before she connects our lips togeth-

'Riley honey wake up it's almost seven, Maya's gonna be here any minute now.' I get awoken by my mother Topanga.

'Argh. Coming mom!' I rush out of bed and grab the first pair of clothes i see from my closet. Wow that was intense. It almost felt real. Wait- what the hell am I thinking, my best friend would never feel the same way I do. I walk down the hall to grab myself some breakfast.

'We made you pancakes, your favorite!' Auggie, my little brother, slightly yells but in a happy tone. I look at the table and theres a pile of buttermilk pancakes all stacked nicely in the middle of it.

'Thanks Auggie' I say smiling widely at him and he nods as i take a seat next to him. Just as i take a bite of the delicious breakfast i had in front of me I hear my best friend call.

'Maya' she says and I go up to the front door to let her in.

'Peaches!' I grin and hug her tightly. She smiles back and I bring her to the table so I can finish off my meal.

She looks at the food in front of her and my father Corey sees, 'Oh come on Maya dig in, you're part of this family too you know.' He says handing her a plate.

'Thanks Mr. Matthews'. She responds and grabs a fork so she can eat.

I watch her closely, looking at every detail of her face, until my eyes meet hers. Her eyes are my favorite thing about her. Sure if you see them you'd say they're really pretty or something along those lines, but if you really look deeply into them, i'm sure you would fall for her as hard as I did.

Once we finish eating, we stand up and link arms. 'Bye mom, bye Auggie. See you at school dad!' I yell out as I close the front door behind me.


School. Most people hate it, but I don't see why. You get to spend 6 hours everyday with your friends. I mean sure there's work, assignments, exams and more boring stuff but I believe that when you surround yourself with good people, you can make all of those things fun.

'Great, another day at hell.' Maya groans. Yeah, as you can tell Maya is one of those people who's not a fan of school.

'Oh come on Maya, cheer up. Let's go find Lucas and Farkle.' I smile and take her hand. She smiles back and follows me to the yard.


'Oh there you guys are.' I hear Lucas from behind us and I run into his arms.

'Hey guys, how was your weekend?' I ask pulling away from him, smirking as I remembered what went down on saturday night, me chucking popcorn at Farkle causing it to land on Lucas and Maya, yeah that was fun.

'If you enjoy washing off butter and popcorn that is stuck to your body then sure, my weekend was great!' Lucas complains and I just punch him on the arm lightly causing all of us to laugh at the memory.

The bell rings for class to start. 'Come on guys let's go.' Farkle says so I link arms with Maya and we follow Farkle and Lucas to my dad's classroom.


'Okay student's let's talk about your new assignment.' My father says with a smile on his face causing everyone to groan.

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