three // frozen yogurt

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AN: SURPRISE!! Another update!! I just couldn't wait to give you guys a new chapter so here it is..

School went by quickly, I think it was because of how much fun I had spending time with Spot. Spot was the most adorablest puppy ever but he did have an accident in last period and Miss Miller wasn't too happy about that. She walked into the classroom to find pee on the floor, other than that though, the day went pretty well.

Me and Spot walked up the path to my front door and I grabbed my keys to open it, although I couldn't find them in my pocket. 'Oh my god where are they?' I mutter to myself now searching for them in my bag.

Suddenly the front door opens and I see my mom staring down at me. 'What are you doing Riley?'

'I can't find my keys.' I say irritation in my voice.

'You probably forgot to bring them to school because of how fast you and Maya went out the door this morning. You didn't even give me a hug goodbye.' She says pouting but I can hear the sarcasm in her voice.

I laugh and hug her as she wraps her arms around me 'Sorry, bye mom have a good day.' I say smiling then releasing my grip from hers. I laugh then hug her again 'Hi mom i'm home.'

She laughs with me 'Okay stop messing around and go find your keys. You should always keep them in your bag Riley.'

'Okay sorry mom, i'll see you at dinner' I shoot her a smile and Spot follows me as I turn to walk off to my room.

'Wait!' I hear my mom call out for me. Oh she probably spotted Spot. Hahah get it, spotted Spot? Nevermind. She points at the dog 'Um what is that doing in my house?'

'Dad is making our class take care of dogs. It's one of his assignments.' I say knowing dad's going to get into trouble for this.

'Corey!' I hear my mom yell out as I hurry to my room.


I place my bag down and spot my keys sitting on my bedside table. 'Ah there they are.' I grab them and place them in the side pocket of my bag.

I sit down at my bay window and turn to my clock. Spot joins me sitting on my lap. It's almost 4:30 meaning Maya was going to be here in three, two, one. I look out my window and there she is. 'Hi Maya!'

'Hey pumpkin, missed me already?' She says climbing into my room.

'Who wouldn't?' I smile then go in to hug her, first placing Spot next to me so we don't crush him. Of course I missed Maya, I can't go a day without her.

I release my grasp and I see Maya look at Spot, 'Aww hi buddy.' She says picking him up.

I watch how sweet and adorable she gets when she's with him, probably one of my favorite things is seeing Maya happy. Her smile lights up my day and I always catch myself looking at her lips as they curve up. I wonder what it would feel like to kiss them. Snap out of it Riley. You always do this, she can't catch you staring.

She looks back up at me placing Spot down next to her. 'What's up Riles? You look upset.'

Oh shit, she knows. Well I guess this is the perfect time to tell her. Go on, do it Riley. Tell her! I fiddle with my hands. 'Maya I-I- love y-'.

'Farkle' 'Lucas' I hear from behind me seeing my two best friends outside my window. I roll my eyes. Seriously? Now?

'What's up guys.' Farkle says climbing into my bedroom, Lucas following behind.

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