four // the hangout

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'Maya, do you want some popcorn?' Nathan asks as he grabs his wallet out of his pocket.

What the hell. He's acting like they're on date, Maya's MINE.

She smiles but declines politely. He shrugs and we walk into the cinema.

'Maya sit with me.' Nathan says patting the seat next to him.

She shoots me a look but sits down in the seat Nathan was offering her. Why the hell is Nathan being so clingy. This is just a bunch of friends hanging out on a Monday, not a date between him and Maya.

I scoff and take the seat next to Maya, with Farkle and Lucas sitting to the right of me. The lights go down and Maya leans her head on my shoulder. I turn my gaze to Nathan who gives us a disgusting look but turns to the screen to watch the movie. What's his problem? We get it, you're in love with Maya, but seriously stop being so territorial, you're not even classified as 'friends'.


When the movie ends I sigh in relief when Nathan actually went the whole movie without trying to touch Maya or talk to her. Something did seem a bit off when we walked out of the cinema though...

I check the time and it was 9 o'clock. Thankfully, Nathan had to go home because it was getting pretty late so ha, no frozen yogurt for him!

Lucas, Farkle, Maya and I walk down to the frozen yogurt place and we pick a table that's outside, because the town was beautiful at night and we liked the view.

'Write down what you guys want and Lucas and I will go up and order.' Farkle says motioning towards me and Maya to grab the pen and paper.

Maya writes down our orders (knowing what my usual was) and gave the paper to Farkle. The two boys walk into the store and she turns towards me 'Beautiful isn't it?' She turns to look at her surroundings.

'Yeah, it is.' I reply not really looking at the town but instead, looking at her. Suddenly, I see Maya's phone light up. She looks at it tilting her head a little in what I assume is confusion, then sighs.

I could sense something was up. 'What is it Maya?'

She lets out a sigh once again and looks at me. Her frown turns into a small smile but I can see that she was just trying to cover that something was bothering her. 'It's nothing.' She finally says after the few seconds of silence.

I try not to push her anymore because I can see she wants to change the subject. 'Okay, well i'm always here for you, don't forget that Peaches.'

She gives me a hug and when we pull away I can see Farkle and Lucas walking up to us with our orders.

'Here you go, original with gummy bears, sour patch kids and sprinkles on top.' Farkle places the yogurt in front of me.

'And for Maya, chocolate with strawberries and m&ms.' Lucas says passing Maya hers.

'Thanks guys.' Maya and I say in unison.


'Okay see you tomorrow.'

I wave Farkle and Lucas goodbye then turn to Maya. 'Wanna sleep over tonight?'

'Sure.' She smiles at me.

I grab her hand and we walk into my house. I open my door and Spot runs up to me and Maya.

'Hi buddy!' She says picking up Spot. Spot licks her face and Maya places him down again. 'Hang on, what's that smell?'

'Oh god, please no.' I turn on my bedroom light and I look into the corner of my room. 'No!' Yep, there it was. Spot had poo'd in my room.

'Thank god today's not my day to take care of him.' Maya laughs and I playfully hit her arm.

'This sucks.'

'Oh honey, good luck. You'll need it.'

I hit her arm again.

'Ow!' She says rubbing her arm but I knew she was kidding.


After cleaning up Spot's mess, Maya and I get ready for bed. 'Do you need to borrow clothes?' I ask.

'Well i'm not going to be sleeping in these jeans that's for sure.' She chuckles.

I pass her pj shorts with flowers on them and a Winnie The Pooh top.

'Seriously?' She laughs and points at the bear on the t-shirt.

'Oh shut up, unless you wanna sleep naked... That's your choice.'

'Ok Winnie The Pooh, it is.' She says turning around to take her top off.

I look at her, maybe for a bit too long because when she turns around to pick up the top I had just given her, we accidently made eye contact. Shit.

'Like what you see?' She laughs but I knew she was joking.

'Oh heh..' I manage to let out. Damnit Riley, get yourself together. I look at her, hoping she hadn't noticed my awkwardness. She didn't. Instead, she was too busy looking at her phone. What was with her today? She seemed to be glued to that thing... First time outside my window, second at the frozen yogurt place and third right now. Something was definitely up.

'Are you sure you're okay Maya?' I ask her.

'It's fine Riley, everything is okay. I'm okay.'

'Maya, I know somethings up. What's made you upset? You've been looking at your phone all day and when you do, your mood drops.'

'Riley, i'll tell you whats wrong but not right now. Can we please drop it and go to sleep?'

I could see her eyes start to water. 'Okay peaches, let's go to bed.'

I turn off the light then i climb into bed next to Maya. I tell Spot to go onto his mat and then layed my head on the pillow.

'I'm sorry Riles, i'll tell you eventually, I just don't want to talk about it right now.' She says turning to face me.

I look at her eyes. There it was, pain. It wasn't the usual oceans you'd see in them, there was just hopelessness and sadness. I wish I could hold her in my arms forever, I hated seeing Maya this way. She deserved love and happiness and rainbows to shine brightly in her life. I hate this stupid thing, whatever it is that's hurting her. Maya doesn't need to go through this. My thoughts tire me out and I drift off to sleep...

AN: SOOOO SORRYY for making you wait for this chapter I didn't know what I was writing tbh but I do have a few ideas on what's going to happen next so hopefully you don't have to wait this long for future updates. Also sorry about the length, I just needed to get this up FAST because I was taking way too long to write it. Thanks for reading :)


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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