Election Day

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Ladies and gentlemen...


The president will be picked...

Brace yourselves and hold your loved ones close..

Cause the next president is here..

But in my opinion they are just two wrongs. And two wrongs don't make a right...

So brace yourself America.


How have you guys been? Let's just chill and relax for the next 12hrs before the president is decided...


Ya know the next season of aot is coming out in 2017 and that's almost here!!

Here have a funny meme to me..

Here have a funny meme to me

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

It's Billlllllllll!
My fam..
He would be an awesome dad...
But now he is like 60...
I feel soooooo old...

So just gonna cry...jk!!

If I was the president we would drink tea a lot!! I mean a lot!!!


Then we had a school vote and me and Nicolover1101 picked the same person...

So yeah...

Brace your selves everybody...



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