Chapter 1 - Surfing

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Chapter 1 - Surfing

"What do you think Storm? The waves look pretty calm today, huh?" I asked, petting my husky Storm. He licked my hand and ran to the back to his bed. I smiled, watching Storm run in circles chasing his tail, and sat on the cliff ledge and looked out over the ocean. Our house is on the top of a giant ledge, overlooking the ocean.  My room is in the attic, and I can see the waves crash on the beach below, and the eagles land on the base of the mountain behind me.

I heaved the dark blue surboard over my head and headed towards the waves, with Storm lapping at the water in my wake. "Kai!" I hear, behind me, soaked up by the calm breeeze. My best friend Aiden sneaks up behind me and punches my shoulder. "I thought I told you to wait?" He asked, his dark green eyes forming a playful scowl on his tanned face, carrying his lime green Ripcurl surfboard at his side. "Never mind you," I said, dismissing him with a wave of my hand, "where's Maia?"I asked, looking around, trying to spot my spunky, red-haired friend. "Oh, she said she didn't like the look of the sun today, she stayed in the cove." He explained. It made sense, Maia's family is very astrological, they are always watching the way Mars shines or something like tha. You can hardly get a straight answer from them about anything closer than the moon.I nodded and looked down, watching the waves engulf my feet, and wash sand into my ankle bracelets. "Well, what are we waiting for? The waves are calling my name!" I screamed, flopping down onto my dark blue and black swirled surfboard, paddling further from the saftey of the shoreline. A major wave rose in the distance, and I paddled faster towards the giant. My plan was to ride it all the way back to shore, where Aiden was waiting, but there was no time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2013 ⏰

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