Chapter #9 Walking 2 the dorm

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So as we were walking we stood by each other since it was cold and I was beginning to think it was a bad idea. But I didn't want to do that in front of Chelsea because I wanted to seem manly you know?

" So what do your think about your course so far ?" she asked expectantly

" I think it's going very well........ I guess.  how about you???"

" Well it's OK "

We continued to walk for about 15 minutes then I she held my hand and put her fingers inbetween mine and said  " Alex I trust you"

That made me smile and I replied with 'I'm glad u do'

On the way to the dorm we had to stop at a park because we heard a noise it sounded like a kitten.

we looked up and around but couldn't find it so we progressed on since it was getting quite cold. Then we heard it again we stopped in pur tracks when we saw something run in front of us. I put Chelsea behind me so that if the thing jumped out it would come out a t me first.

We walked abit more and heard the noise again then Chelsea saw a kitten. And she figured it was the kitten who was making all of that noise. Chelsea let go of my hand and ran towards the small little kitten which was stuck in a bush. I looked at the kitten and told her to wait before she went too close then I took out my phone and turned on my flashlight so she could see. When she realized the kitten was stuck in the bush she got out a nail clip and started to cut away the braches .

I took about 5 minutes because the nail clip was small. After this she instructed me to look in her bag and give me her shirt. I took it out and she wrapped the kitten in in and took it up.

" So what should we do with it?? " she asked

" I think we should carry it to the dorm and ask Asia and Philip what to do with it"

So we did the 3 minute walk to the dorm and then I realized that the kitten wanted to pee so Chelsea put her down and she peed bbut she did very quickly.

Chelsea put down her hand with her short and the kitten hopped back in. We walked to the dorm door and I took out my keys and we went inside.   We plopped in the couch and almost fell asleep. Then we heard some noise in Philips room so Chelsea and   I left the kitten on the couch while we crept to Philips room and then I opened the door and was surprised to see Asia laughing so hard while Philip was trying to compose himself.

We looked at them and the looked at us we were very surprised to what we saw but then ended up laughing just like they did. After this Chelsea told them we had found a kitten It was very cute Both of them wanted to see it so Chelsea brought the white, black and brown kitten that looked so cute we put it on the bed and it started to play with a piece of string. Asia and Philip  agreed to keep it so we agreed that we would have to buy it kitty litter food and a place to sleep but first we had to come up with a name.

We had come up with Topaz, Amber, Caramel and Beans

We decided to name her Topaz and I promised that I would try and get her a collar tomorrow. Chelsea took her up to her room saying she would clean her up and she ended up falling asleep.

We all went to bed after that and In had a good nights rest dreaming about Chelsea surprisingly.

~~~~~~~~~Next day~~~~~~~~~~

Chelsea's POV

I woke up the next day feeling really nice it was still the weekend and I really never had anything to do........

then I realized I had to go and buy things for my pet  whoops! sorry our pet.

I had kind of bathed her last night so that she would be clean I called Jim and told him to pick me up in five minutes I got a small cotton blanket and wrapped her up and placed her in my handbag along with a ball of string to keep her occupied.

I started to get changed when I heard a knock on the door.

Who is gonna now when I am getting ready come on!!

" Hello......who is this?"

" Sorry disturb you but this is Alex"

" Hold on I'm changing"

" If its a bad time I don't have to stay I can come back later"

" Know its fine gimme five seconds"

" 5-4-3......"

I scrambled to get ready and successfully finished in time.

" Come in"

Alex entered the room and looked shocked to see me.

However I never understood why.

All I was wearing was a  peach chiffon hi-lo top with skinny jeans and a black jacket with my black boots. My Pandora bracelet and pearl earrings. My makeup was pretty simple nude lipstick with lip gloss over it and a light eye shadow. to top of the look.

He came inside and sat on my chair. So how may I help you?

He just told me he came in to tell me that he had a very good time yesterday. And I would love to do it again. He turned to leave

" Wait!"

I ran up to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek and whispered "Thank-You!"

  I blushed so did he. Then he asked

" Where you going now?"

" I'm going to the Pet store to get stuff for Topaz" As I turned my attention to the kitten who was now playing out side of my bag on the bed with the ball of string.

" Could I Come with you?"

" Sure"

Alex races down the stairs and in no time changed and put on his clothes. And just in time too because Jim had just honked his horn.

I put the kitten back in My bag and ran downstairs grabbed a cranberry juice and a Welches snack.

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