06 | Joy in Repetition

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As we made our way back upstairs, I noticed a few people making their way through the front door. Most of them I recognized as NPG members. They all came in, laughing and joking around with each other.

"What's all that noise about" Prince yelled jokingly as he greeted his band mates. I stood behind him awkwardly as they began to talk. A few of them looked over at me but I didn't seem to surprise any of them by being there.

"Y'all say hello to the beautiful Riley" He turned around and placed his hand on my arm, ushering me over to be introduced. "Hey" I said to them all as I shook various hands, and gave the occasional hug. I assumed they were all here for rehearsal of some sort so I was bummed assuming my time with him was already being cut short. The band started to walk the opposite way to the sound stage with Prince following close behind. I figured I'd just head back to the room while he did his thing.

He suddenly stopped and turned around to look at me. "Aren't you coming?" He asked as he held out his hand and I smiled. I took his hand in mine and he led us into the sound stage where the band was already getting comfortable on stage in their rightful positions. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before letting go and making his way to join them.

"Here lil' lady" I heard a familiar voice say as I turned around. Cass was standing behind me, waving his hand for me to come towards him "Have a seat, it's gonna be a while" I sat in the plush blue love seat that was diagonal to the front of the stage as I watched them tune their instruments and begin to warm up. I enjoyed watching them tinker around with their tools, making sure each instrument had just the perfect sound before they began.

"Alright, what's the warm up?" I heard Kirk say from behind his drum set

"Yea, whose turn is it?" Morris piped out. I watched as they all went back and forth, not having a clue as to what they were arguing about. 

"Riley" I heard my name being called and I looked up to see the entire band staring at me. I tilted my head, unsure of what he would need from me during a rehearsal. "What song of mine do you wanna hear?" He asked me. I looked around, as if there was another Riley in the room.

"We choose a different song every rehearsal" Morris explained "Someone new gets to choose each time"

"Oh" I said. I was flattered that he even thought to ask me.

"So what's it gonna be?" Prince asked me, his deep voice booming through the microphone. I thought for a moment and quickly realized what I wanted to hear.

"Joy in Repetition" The title slipped from my lips.

"Good taste" Morris clapped as Prince turned around to face him.

"Of course it's good, I wrote it" Prince chimed in as Morris rolled his eyes.

I couldn't stop the smile on my face from spreading as I heard P rip into his guitar, easing into the slow twang of the song I loved so much. I can't explain why, but this record has always been near to my heart. I closed my eyes as the drums kicked in, my body swaying side to side, listening intently as Prince began to sing

Talking 2 no one in particular, they say "the baddest I am tonight"
4 letter words will not be heard, not up on this stage tonight

The album version is what got me hooked, but this song live is something else. I couldn't help but mouth the words along with him. I felt as if I was in a dream like state; the song was so soothing and considering the current circumstance, this moment was pure bliss.

Up on the mic repeating 2 words, over and over again

I watched as he concentrated on my every move, locking his eyes with mine. I wondered how long he had been staring as I felt my cheeks getting hot. I didn't want to break his gaze even though the intensity in his eyes caused butterflies to form in my stomach. It was as if every word was meant for me, I blocked out everyone and everything except for him.

2 words falling between the drops and the moans of his condition

I was in awe of his talent, I always have been but being able to witness it firsthand truly opened my eyes to his genius. The way he played that guitar, the passion in his eyes and the love for every lyric that rolled off his tongue. He exuded sex without even trying and he knew it.

My heart fluttered as he began to sing my favorite line, adlibbing as he went along

You 'bout to hear Morris play Joy in Repetition...

You'bout to hear Prince sing Joy in Repetition...

He only took his eyes off of mine to concentrate on the heart-stopping guitar solo that was to follow. I don't know what it was about this song, but he always seems to put so much heart into that guitar. I got goosebumps as I sat there completely dumbfounded by his skills. He continued to sing as his guitar faded out

She said love me, love me, what she say baby?

Eyes locking with mine as if he was singing to me directly. It took me a minute to realize that he actually was singing to me and wanting me to reply

Riley what she say, she said..

"Love me" I sang aloud. He seemed pleased with my response as a smile spread on his face too and we repeated the phrase in unison until the song came to an end.

I enjoyed watching them rehearse, it was like my own private show. He's such a good leader, watching him take control over the band and his music was a turn on, not to mention the amount of passion he puts into that guitar. It made my mind wander and I wondered if he put that same amount of passion in other aspects of his life. I quickly tried to rid the thought, even if he was interested I know he's celibate so there's no chance of that happening. A girl can dream though.

After rehearsal, Prince's chef had a late lunch waiting for us all. I'm no vegetarian, but if I had homemade meals like that every day I would seriously consider it.

All of the guys were a lot of fun to be around. After we ate, a couple of them stayed to mess around in the studio while the others left. Prince had to handle a few business matters in his office, but he told me he'd meet me upstairs afterward. I got comfortable on the same couch we had shared just the night before and flipped through channels on his TV until I found a show to keep me occupied. The show was actually the last thing on my mind as I kept replaying various moments throughout the day in my head. I had been having such a great time, it saddened me to think I only had one day left with him. About an hour later I heard the door open behind me and Prince came strolling in.

"You better not had fallen asleep on me again" He said as I heard his footsteps coming closer and he peered over the couch. I looked up and saw his face hovering over me. His symbol chain fell from his partially unbuttoned shirt as I laughed at his statement. Taking the symbol into my hands, I ran my fingers over the cool charm before looking back up at him

"Can I have this?" I didn't really want it, I just wanted to hear what he'd say. Testing to see how playful I could be with him.

"Nope" He swiftly pulled it right out of my hands as I scoffed pretending to be offended. "Fine. If I give you this, I get to take something of yours"

This could get interesting. I laughed to myself in my head thinking of all the inappropriate things I would gladly give up.

"What do you want?" I asked a little more seductively than I intended. He rested his arms on the top of the couch, licking his lips without breaking his stare.

"Your heart" his voice seemed to get deeper as I felt my heart pound within my chest. I blushed and shook my head in disbelief. He doesn't even realize, he's had my heart for over 15 years.

"Prince" trying to suppress my nervous giggles I focused back on him "You already have it". I bit my lip, somewhat nervous of what he'd say. To my surprise he didn't say a word, instead he took the necklace from around his neck and motioned for me to sit up. I did as instructed and he placed it carefully over my head and around my neck. His warm hand brushed my cheek before his lips placed a kiss on the same spot. "It looks better on you anyway".

A/N I just wanted to say thank you all to those who have taken interest in this story as well as voting and commenting! I was really nervous about trying to take a stab at writing again but your comments encourage me to keep going, so thank you 💜

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