22 | Adjustment

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The next morning I woke up peacefully. Prince's arms were wrapped around me, our bodies still glued to each other. I smiled to myself remembering the night before, I couldn't believe he finally let go and gave himself to me. I had hoped it wasn't a dream, and the soreness I felt down below let me know that it was all too real. I could smell the fresh pastries baking downstairs next door and it reminded me that everything I bought yesterday went to waste. I peered over the bed and saw the bag dumped on the floor. Shaking my head to myself, I turned around and kissed his cheek. He pulled me closer in his sleep as I attempted to doze off again, that is until my cell started to ring. Reaching to the dresser I grabbed it and saw Sam's picture pop up. I ignored the call and laid back down, trying to get comfortable again. Not more than a few seconds later my phone rang again. Before I could reach for it, Prince pulled me closer as he began to wake up, preventing me from answering the call. Sam gave up and I nuzzled into Prince's chest, yawning before drifting to sleep again. I couldn't have been asleep for longer than thirty minutes before the phone rang yet again. Annoyed, I sat up and snatched the phone.

"What do you want?"

"The fuck kind of Good Morning is that? Shall we try this again?" Sam said into the phone. He pretended to make a ringing noise with his mouth "Hello? Hey Riley how are you?!"

"Good Morning" I forced


"No really, what do you want?"

"Get dressed, let's go to breakfast"

He must have thought I was in Minnesota. He and Ria expected me to be there now just as much as Prince did.

"Oh, I'm not in Chanhassen. I'm at home"

"What? Why didn't you come out here? P have a show in LA or something?"

"No, he came out to surprise me"

"Oh" if I didn't know any better, I would've thought there was a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Well I guess I'll see you next weekend then?" his voice became dismal.

"Yea, I'll text you"

Hanging up I turned around to see Prince awake and staring at me. I jumped a little, not realizing he was alert and awake.

"Was that Samir?"

"Yea, he thought I was out there this weekend"

"What is he doing calling you this early?"

I looked at my clock and then back at him. "It's only 9:30, he wanted to get breakfast...With Ria and me" I wasn't exactly sure if Ria was involved or not, but for Prince's sake I said she was.

"That boy wants a lot more than breakfast" I could see the irritation in his face, his jealousy was cute but I didn't want to tell him that.

"He does not"

"I see the way he looks at you. You can't be that oblivious"

I rolled my eyes before scooting closer to him, placing my hand on his chest.

"I don't wanna talk about him" I kissed his lips "Did you sleep well?" I asked him as I brought my hand to his cheek and kissing him again

"I slept amazing" his smirk made my heart flutter. We laid there for a while, running our hands over each other, kissing any chance we could, still covered in the aroma of last night. I didn't want to spoil the mood, but my curiosity was getting the best of me.

"What are you thinking?" he asked me, he could tell I was in deep thought

"How do you feel? Honestly"

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