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(omomi ganjilganjil dugeundugeun)i gibuneun mwoya eotteohke


I snoozed off my alarm.The sunlight was hurting my eyes so I decided to wake up and get myself ready to go to school.Before I left the house,I didn't forget to bring Haneul's bag along with me.

It was still early and I head off to Haneul's house.When I arivved there,J-hope was the first one to greet me.

"It's you.What are you doing here?"I handed Haneul's bag to him and he received it with both of his hands.

"Haneul forgot her bag last night and I'm returning it to her."J-hop called her and after a few minutes,she appeared with a surprised look.

"What is it?"

"Here.Now you two should go to school now and tata~"he shoved us and closed the door.Same old J-hope.Haneul really looked annoyed until I interrupted her.

"Shall we head off now?"she nodded and we held hands together.The walk was quite awkward so I decided to break the silence between us by clearing my throat.

"You DID have an amnesia right?"I can see she was panicking as her pupils keep looking away from me.But then,her dark brownish eyes turned to me.

"Of course I did.That's why I didn't remembered you that day Kim Taehyung."I only responded her statement with an 'oh' because I know she's hiding something else.

When we arrived at the school gate,Haneul didn't notice about me and her who are still holding hands ever since we left her house.I really wish we could stay like this forever like ever.

Jimin and Byu approached us and it was a sight to see when both of them were actually locking arms together despite to their actions to each other.Haneul interrupted their moment by teasing them.

"Hoho~what are you two doing?Is there something going on here?"she poked Byu and Jimin by their arms.It was rather annoying for her to do that honestly.I can tell that they were panicking because of their expressions.

"W-what do you mean?Come on Haneul."Byu immediately dragged Haneul into the school.Haneul even waved goodbye to me before she was gone out of my sight.Jimin was looking at me weirdly and said,

"Yah.Taehyung.Are you with her again?"

"I guess so.I mean she didn't say anything about it but I think she's fine with it."

"Well,that's great."Jimin patted my shoulder but then I smiled creepily to him.

"I'm sure I saw you locking arms with Byu just now.Do you like her Jimin?"Jimin was flustered.

"Look who's talking mister!"and then he left me.

"It's me!The attractive Taehyung."I chased him in the school.


Since me and Byu weren't that hungry,we sat together under a tree near the school field.

"Yah,what's with you and Taehyung?Don't tell me you two are back-"

"Together?I guess so."she then hit my arm lightly.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"Once again,my best friend is pouting to me.

"What about you then?You were locking arms with a boy that you usually hit.That's a first."I teased annoyingly.After a minute,she kept hitting my arm lightly.I know it doesn't hurt once you receive it but when she does it a lot of times,I can't feel my right arm anymore.She's sulking again and that is not a good thing.

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