13//Hands on me

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"Can you call me V again?"I was surprised with his favor and I totally forgot that I used to call him that when we were together before.

"I missed that nickname and you're the one who called me like that in the first place.I'll promise that I'll help you remember the things that we used to do together."Taehyung begged to me.

I wanted to say yes but at the same time I wanted to say no too.What if he leaves me again?Do I deserve him?He noticed me being confused and he held my shoulders.

"You don't have to tell me now if you want to.I'll wait for your answer."My lips then formed a thin line when he said that.I was about to tell soemthing to him but then,

"V!!"Haru ran to us making me clench my fist.

She totally ruined this moment.She approached Taehyung and took one of Taehyung's hands.They wouldn't do that if ther weren't dating together right?No no no.Don't think like that Jung Haneul.Maybe she's doing that just to make you jealous of her.

"V~Didn't you tell me that you wanted to walk home with me today?"she asked in a quite rather annoying tone.Taehyung then smiled back at her.

Seeing them act like that to each other made me flustered.So all of his actions just now was only an act?What was I thinking that time. Am I being betrayed again?

Maybe because I don't deserve to have him because his handsome while I'm ugly.He's funny while I'm not and one more thing,he's likable while I'm just hateful.I stood there infront of them while faking a smile.  

"Stop holding my hand Haru."Taehyung wanted to let go of her hand from his but she kept refusing.I couldn't do anything and stand with Haru's actions towards him so I left the place without saying anything.

"Wait!Haneul!It's not like you think it is!"I could hear Taehyung's words were cut off by Haru. 

"Don't you remember that we're more than neighbours?"My mind went blank as I walked away from them.


I was infront of the house and I can see Haera was waiting for me.I faked a smile to her and walked pass her.Both of us then enter the house and she closed the door.

"Are you okay?Why are you ignoring me and not saying anything to me?"she asked suspiciously to me.

I threw my bag on the couch and held her hands while pouting at her.She made a disgusted face and let go of my hands.

"Let's order some food~I'm starving."That wasn't the thing that Iwanted to tell her but oh well,I'm hungry anyways.

Haera ordered one fried chicken set since that's my favourite food.I love to eat chicken especially the fried ones even though I don't get to eat it all the time.My mother said fried foods are unhealthy.

When the delivery man arrived,I paid the fried chicken and put the box on the table.Since there were 6 pieces of chicken,we had 3 each.There was also cola and it was so refreshing to drink especially on a hot day like this.

Unfortunately,I was still upset about what happened earlier.I left the living room and I didn't help Haera to clean up since she wasn't done eating yet. 

I changed my clothes and wore a red shirt  with short pants that (?) hit my knees.Lying down after eating wasn't good just like my father said so I sat down on my studying table while checking my phone.

There were more than 5 missed calls from Taehyung and 2 messages from an unkown number.I ignored Taehyung's missed calls and opened the messages.

'Hey Haneul.Come meet me at the park at 7pm tonight.-JEON JUNGKOOK'

'I have a lot of things to tell you and I'm using my friend's phone for a while.-JEON JUNGKOOK'

It's weird because he doesn't usually put his full name whenever he sends a message.Is it really him?Just to make sure it was him,I sent another message to the same phone number.

'It's a new for you to put your full name.'After a few minutes,he replied my question.

'Why?Is it wrong?-_-' Yup,it's him.Byu must be busy with her practice now so I don't have anyone to talk to.Maybe I should just do some study.


Haru is really pissing me off right now.Why would she say that infront of her.We're not even close but she managed to say that.I let go off her hand and walked away from her with my hands in my pocket.She chased me but I completely ignore her

"Yah!Kim Taehyung!You better stop or else."she's making me more angry and angry.She's the one who should stop doing this.I walk to her making her feel scared.

"Stop following me and for your information,you're nothing to me."she was speechless and froze there.

I walked home without her.Haneul must be upset right now because she's been ignoring my calls.Maybe I should go to her house later.


I went out from my house.It was getting dark since it was a quarter to 7.Jungkook must be waiting for me at the park now.As I walked to the park,my phone that was in my pocket vibrated.

Taehyung's calling me again.I rolled my eyes in annoyance and answered the call.

"What do you want."

"I'm sorry that you have to see that today.You see..I didn't know what she was actually doing to me and it turns out she only did that to make you jealous."

"Oh really?What's with the smiling then?"

"What"You know I smile to everyone."

"You were smiling at her when she held your hand and that's your reason for all of this?!"

"So are you saying that you're jealous?Hoho~you still like me don't you?"

He's such a jerk.How could he tease me when I'm being serious right now.

"Whatever."I pushed the red button and after that,I received another message from Jungkook.

'Wait for me okay?And I'm bringing some of my friends,LOSER.'

Loser?I know the fact that he loves GD so much but can he just not call me that?He really loved the song Loser so much I guess.I'm considering this as a joke,Jeon Jungkook.

I've been waiting for him for half an hour now and he still didn't come.There are barely lights here so I decided to leave the park.There was no one in the park except for me .

"So you really came here huh?"infront of me was someone that I really hate.There were about 4 girls on both of her sides.Each of them crossed their arms.I walked away from them but one of them kicked my left leg.

It actually didn't hurt but I kicked her leg back as hard as I can.After that,I ran away from them.They were chasing me around the park.Running was so tiring so I tried to find a hiding place.

Without wasting any time,I ran to the playground and went to the slides that has a tunnel in it.It was not that big but I was desperate so I had no other choice but to get in it.Please,I'm not ready for all of this. 


Sorry for not updating last week because I was busy with babysitting 😂 but I promise you I'll update all the time

I'm in a rush actually and idk what to say soooo vote,share and comment !😂😙😂

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