Meet The Los Co Banti Or The Virgin Taker

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That Night Outside Of
Tobirama's Room In A Tree
Mystery Person PoV

I was watching my prey sleep in his bed I was getting everything ready for when I come back for him I fisted my hand remembering what I heard when I peeked on my preys big brother.

Flashback Start

I was sneaking around the village looking for my prey when I ended up in the hokage's office I hid in the shadows and listened to what they where talking about

"Please madara you're the only person I can trust to take care of my little brother " a man with long brown hair said

"Hashirama we can't stand each other he hates me and I hate him for what he did to izuna" the other guy named madara said crossing his arms across his chest the one named hashirama became serious

"Madara I asked you as my friend now as hokage i'm ordering you as an S rank mission to take care of my brother until this monster is gone I have a cabin all set for you to use you'll have some one watch over the uchiha clan until your return that only happen when the monster is taken care of" he said they had a staring contest then madara pouted and said

"Fine you win I'll take care of your brother until the monster is taken care of "

they continued talking about what's going to happen but I left.

Flashback End

I shook my head and took one last look at my prey and left I whispered out

{Soon tobirama you'll be mine soon real soon}

into the wind but I didn't know was that someone had heard me but who is it .

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