The Human and The Dragon Part 1

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Authors Note - I got inspired by a Pinterest post. Also the dragon is Nico and the Human is Will.
Italics- Story Teller. Bold- Legend. Underline- Transition or Perspective. Normal text- Will or Nico

Dragons exist, I know it to be true

There is a legend
Once a dragon falls in love
They turn to human

Once upon a time, long ago light and dark were great enemies and still are. The Dragons, Dark. The Humans, Light.
In just one night that would change.

The dragon was fierce, but lonely and sad, mourning the sudden death of his sister Dragon.
Shooting flames out onto the villages and the barren land that surrounded them. Burning them down.

The human on an adventure. Seeking a life to calk his own. Going from one village to another helping those in need.
Whilesth in one village he heard of a place in diet need. Leaving in the morn, setting of on a new journey.

5 Days of walking and his journey was done.
Seeing homes burned down to ash. Wandering about looking for people and if they were still alive.
Finding a group he asked what had happened. They told the traveler the truth about the Dragon for they wanted him gone.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~le time skip because I'm lazy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He found a small dark cave, peering inside, he found an even darker Dragon. Not afraid even one little bit he walked over to the Dragon and began to speak but before one little work even slipped through his perfect lips, he was cut off by a deep barely outable growl.

The traveler decided against the idea of speaking any further and slowly, carefully walked out of the cave and back down to the villagers waiting eagerly at the bottom, waiting to ask him their questions

Back In The Cave

Another traveler tried to talk to me. They pretend to care pretend to help. They don't understand what happened and they never will. They don't take the time to know why, why I am doing what I am doing.
Truth be told, I don't want them to. They hate me even, despise me.

The dragon began to cry again, not only for his sister but also for himself. But this time it was different, he didn't care who heard him, so he cried even louder.

I'm going to end it right their. You are going to have to wait till when I have actual time to spare. Also I kinda already wrote like more than half the story Its just that it 3 in the morning where I am and I'm tired so ima go to sleep.

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