The Human and The Dragon Part 3

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Italics- Story Teller. Bold- Legend. Underline- Transition or Perspective. Normal text- Will or Nico
The beginning of this part, in my opinion, is really bad. Just bare with me. Trust me it gets better

I had saved him, but I had no clue why. I'd like to think it was because he was cute you know in a Dragon kind or way. I snapped out of my thoughts by something small creating carefully toward me. I sheathed my sword so the already terrified Dragon would calm. I made sure my movements were slow and consistent.

I wasn't sure what to say or do so I just crept slowly towards the only soldier of light that had ever protected me.

He looked scared but curious so I asked him probably one of the most obvious question ever. "Are you okay?" My voice shook a little when I spoke.

Did ... Did he just ask me if I was "okay". No one ever asked me if I'm okay. He was different, a good different but still different. I made sure I answered him truthfully " To be honest ... I was terrified."

I could barely hear his voice when he answered but I knew he was scarred. I felt a little weird doing this buy I walked over to him and well I hugged him. His body, muscles tensed up. I quickly let go. I didn't mean to, but ... I did. I could see some sadness and loneliness return to his eyes.

He ... He hugged me. I can't believe that someone would hug a Dragon especially me. But he did and I was stupid enough to tense up. He backed away taking all the earth he brought with him away. I had noticed his clear blue eyes looked hurt. I cursed myself for doing that to him. It felt so right to be in his arms.

An awkward silence filled the cave. To break it the traveler asked the Dragons name.

I was takes back by the question. Not a single person was even brave enough to go near me let alone ask for my name. I was beginning to trust the him and I knew that I could. So I answered him; Nico, Nico Di Angelo and what's your name? All I know is that you are  warrior of light and that you are willing to save a Dragon. 

"Uh my names William Solace but you can call me Will if you want." I could feel a slight blush creeping onto my cheeks. I was confused, I didnt know why I was blushing but it felt right.

After their introductions, they began to talk. Listening to each others stories. Paying close attention as every word slipped passed each others lips.
All night the Dragon and the Human stayed together, resting only when they were hungry.

I'm pretty sure that this was the longest chapter thing so far. So I hoped you enjoyed because this is the second thing I've written in the row and now my fingers hurt.

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