Chapter 18

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I tensed in their arms before elbowing them in the gut, the person groaned and when I turned around I saw it was Hunter. Oops.

"What was that for?" he groaned before standing up straight

"What do you mean what was that for, you just grabbed me out of nowhere and since the burglary I've been kinda on edge" I explained giving him a duh look.

"What burglary?" he asked after he recovered.

"It's nothing really, someone broke into the house last week while I was alone" I said

"Are you okay, you weren't hurt were you" he asked giving me a once-over

"No I'm fine" I reassured him. Deja-vu much?

"What happened" he questioned curiously

"Umm David and Caroline went to this business dinner and I was alone at home, I heard a crash from downstairs and when I went to go check it out it was a broken potted plant, then I heard something from upstairs and went to look at the camera's in the security room." I explained

"Were they able to catch the guy?"

"No by the time I got to the panic room, they were already out of the house and the security cameras were all disabled"

"But if they were disabled how did you see through the camera's" huh good question

"Well the cameras were switched off about a half hour before I heard the noise then switched back on the same time I heard the noise, but they weren't recording so they didn't catch anything" he nodded at my answer with a confused look he looked to be contemplating something.

"Well I'm going to go change out of these heels, they're killing my feet" I turned around and walked away.

I walked into my room and instantly shivered, I got this inkling feeling that someone was watching me; I looked around the room and saw nothing out of place, shrugging of the chills I walked over to my closet and got out a pair of black ballet flats that Caroline made me buy. I decided to stay in my dress considering the guests were still here and it would be rude to David if I showed up in my pj's.

When I walked in the game room all conversation went quiet and they were all staring at me. So not creepy at all.Note the sarcasm.

"Anyone want a drink" I asked breaking the tension that seemed to bubble in the room. A chorus of yes' ran through the room, I walked over to the mini fridge and pulled out 7 cokes and handed them out.

"So, Scarlet where are you from?" Drew chirped.

I gave him an amused smile at his happy mood "California"

"Why did you move here?" Zavier asked, this is the first time I heard him speak, his voice is so deep.

"I got into some trouble, my social worker contacted my uncle and here I am"

"What sort of trouble" Chase asked.

"Nothing major, I kinda wrapped my foster dad's car around a tree...while I was drunk" I looked him straight in the eye.

"And what else?" Hunter asked

"What do you mean what else?"

"You don't just get sent away for one DUI" he stated

"Have you ever been in the foster care system?"


"Then you don't know anything about what it's really like, kids get sent away for stupid reasons like stealing a dollar, people just look for any reason to send the kids away just so that they don't have to put up with them anymore. But you're right I didn't get sent away for just one DUI, but like I said I got into some trouble and my social worker had enough of my shit, so she sent me to live with my uncle and I got a new social worker end of story" I stared at him, never once breaking eye-contact.

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